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Sigma KEE - currencyValue

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation currencyValue EnglishLanguage "The currencyValue is a relation between a physical instrument of currency, such as a bill or coin, and the measure of its worth in a particular currency.") Economy.kif 3604-3606
(domain currencyValue 2 CurrencyMeasure) Economy.kif 3603-3603 Il numero 2 argomenti di currencyValue è un istanza di MisuraMonetaria
(domainSubclass currencyValue 1 Currency) Economy.kif 3602-3602 Il numero 1 argomento currencyValue è una sottoclasse diCurrency
(instance currencyValue BinaryPredicate) Economy.kif 3601-3601 currencyValue è un' istanza di PredicatoBinario

appearance as argument number 2

(format ChineseLanguage currencyValue "%2 %n 是 %1 的 currency 價值") domainEnglishFormat.kif 616-616
(format ChineseTraditionalLanguage currencyValue "%2 %n 是 %1 的 currency 價值") domainEnglishFormat.kif 615-615
(format EnglishLanguage currencyValue "%2 is %n a currency value of %1") domainEnglishFormat.kif 614-614
(termFormat ChineseLanguage currencyValue "货币价值") domainEnglishFormat.kif 18102-18102
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage currencyValue "貨幣價值") domainEnglishFormat.kif 18101-18101
(termFormat EnglishLanguage currencyValue "currency value") domainEnglishFormat.kif 18100-18100

appearance as argument number 0

(currencyValue AfghanAfghaniCoin AfghanAfghani) Economy.kif 2908-2908 currencyValue AfghanAfghaniCoin and AfghanAfghani
(currencyValue BritishPoundCoin BritishPound) Economy.kif 2910-2910 currencyValue BritishPoundCoin and BritishPound
(currencyValue CanadianDollarCoin CanadianDollar) Economy.kif 2912-2912 currencyValue CanadianDollarCoin and CanadianDollar
(currencyValue EuroCentCoin EuroCent) Economy.kif 2914-2914 currencyValue EuroCentCoin and EuroCent
(currencyValue FrenchFrancCoin FrenchFranc) Economy.kif 2918-2918 currencyValue FrenchFrancCoin and FrenchFranc
(currencyValue GermanMarkCoin GermanMark) Economy.kif 2920-2920 currencyValue GermanMarkCoin and GermanMark
(currencyValue ItalianLiraCoin ItalianLira) Economy.kif 2922-2922 currencyValue ItalianLiraCoin and ItalianLira
(currencyValue JapaneseYenCoin JapaneseYen) Economy.kif 2924-2924 currencyValue JapaneseYenCoin and JapaneseYen
(currencyValue TajikSomoniCoin TajikSomoni) Economy.kif 2926-2926 currencyValue TajikSomoniCoin and TajikSomoni
(currencyValue UnitedStatesCentCoin
    (MeasureFn 10.0 UnitedStatesCent))
Economy.kif 2935-2935 currencyValue UnitedStatesCentCoin and 10.0 UnitedStatesCent(s
(currencyValue UnitedStatesCentCoin UnitedStatesCent) Economy.kif 2929-2929 currencyValue UnitedStatesCentCoin and UnitedStatesCent
(currencyValue UnitedStatesDollarBill UnitedStatesDollar) Economy.kif 2941-2941 currencyValue UnitedStatesDollarBill and UnitedStatesDollar
(currencyValue UnitedStatesFiveCentCoin
    (MeasureFn 5.0 UnitedStatesCent))
Economy.kif 2932-2932 currencyValue UnitedStatesFiveCentCoin and 5.0 UnitedStatesCent(s
(currencyValue UnitedStatesQuarterCoin
    (MeasureFn 25.0 UnitedStatesCent))
Economy.kif 2938-2938 currencyValue UnitedStatesQuarterCoin and 25.0 UnitedStatesCent(s

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