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Sigma KEE - capacityByArrangement

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation capacityByArrangement EnglishLanguage "(capacityByArrangement ?AREA ?PROP ?QTY) means that Integer ?QTY is the maximum capacity of Region ?AREA when Proposition ?PROP is followed.") Hotel.kif 781-783
(domain capacityByArrangement 1 Region) Hotel.kif 786-786 Il numero 1 argomenti di capacityByArrangement è un istanza di Regione
(domain capacityByArrangement 2 Proposition) Hotel.kif 787-787 Il numero 2 argomenti di capacityByArrangement è un istanza di Proposizione
(domain capacityByArrangement 3 Integer) Hotel.kif 788-788 Il numero 3 argomenti di capacityByArrangement è un istanza di NumeroIntero
(instance capacityByArrangement TernaryPredicate) Hotel.kif 780-780 capacityByArrangement è un' istanza di PredicatoTernario

appearance as argument number 2

(format ChineseLanguage capacityByArrangement "%1 有对于 %3 的 capacity 根据 %2 ") domainEnglishFormat.kif 2958-2958
(format ChineseTraditionalLanguage capacityByArrangement "%1 有對於 %3 的 capacity 根據 %2 ") domainEnglishFormat.kif 2957-2957
(format EnglishLanguage capacityByArrangement "%1 has capacity for %3 according to %2") domainEnglishFormat.kif 2956-2956
(termFormat EnglishLanguage capacityByArrangement "capacity by arrangement") Hotel.kif 784-784


    (capacityByArrangement ?AREA ?PROP ?INT)
        (represents ?AREA ?PROP)
            (exists (?GRP ?PPL)
                    (instance ?GRP GroupOfPeople)
                    (memberCount ?GRP ?PPL)
                    (lessThanOrEqualTo ?PPL ?INT)
                    (located ?GRP ?AREA))) Possibility)))
Hotel.kif 790-800

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