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Sigma KEE - TsakonianGreekLanguage

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(documentation TsakonianGreekLanguage EnglishLanguage "The TsakonianGreekLanguage is a DoricGreekLanguage of Greece. SIL code: TSD. ISO 639-2: ine. Population: (300 shepherds, 1981 J. Werner). Region: Towns of Kastanitsa, Sitena, Prastos, Leonidi, Pramatefti, Sapounakeika, Tyros,Melana, possibly Korakovunio, eastern coast of Peloponnesos. Isolated in summer in the mountains west of Leonidi in the eastern Peloponnesus, in winter they descend to Leonidi and neighboring towns. Alternate names: TSAKONIA. Dialects: NORTHERN TSAKONIAN (KASTANISTA- SITENA), SOUTHERN TSAKONIAN (LEONIDIO-PRASTOS), PROPONTIS TSAKONIAN (VATKA- HAVOUTSI). Comments: Derived from the Doric dialect spoken in Lakonia by ancient Spartans. Northern and Southern are reported to be intelligible to each other's speakers, but Propontis was more distinct, and closer to Standard Greek. Not inherently intelligible with modern Greek (Voegelin and Voegelin). All use Greek as second language. There were monolingual speakers in 1927. Few speakers of Northern Tsakonian. Speakers use Southern Tsakonian. Propontis Tsakonian has become extinct since 1970. Children attend Greek schools in winter, including kindergarten. Dictionary. Grammar. Pastoralists. Christian.(extract from http:/ / )") Languages.kif 8627-8642
(instance TsakonianGreekLanguage DoricGreekLanguage) Languages.kif 8626-8626 TsakonianGreekLanguage è un' istanza di DoricGreekLanguage

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(termFormat ChineseLanguage TsakonianGreekLanguage "tsakonian希腊语") domainEnglishFormat.kif 59368-59368
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage TsakonianGreekLanguage "tsakonian希臘語") domainEnglishFormat.kif 59367-59367
(termFormat EnglishLanguage TsakonianGreekLanguage "tsakonian greek language") domainEnglishFormat.kif 59366-59366

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