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Sigma KEE - TaznatitLanguage

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(documentation TaznatitLanguage EnglishLanguage "The TaznatitLanguage is a MzabWarglaLanguage of Algeria. SIL code: GRR. ISO 639-2: ber. Population: 40,000 (1995). Region: Isolated, around Timimoun, near the Touat region and around 400 miles southwest of the Mzab. Dialects: GOURARA (GURARA), TOUAT (TUAT, TUWAT). Comments: Related to Tumzabt, Tagargrent, and Temacine Tamazight. Low intelligibility with other Tamazight speech forms, including Tumzabt and Tagargrent. Vigorous use. Speakers call their language 'Taznatit.' Muslim.(extract from http:/ / )") Languages.kif 4835-4842
(instance TaznatitLanguage MzabWarglaLanguage) Languages.kif 4834-4834 TaznatitLanguage è un' istanza di MzabWarglaLanguage

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat ChineseLanguage TaznatitLanguage "taznatit语言") domainEnglishFormat.kif 57133-57133
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage TaznatitLanguage "taznatit語言") domainEnglishFormat.kif 57132-57132
(termFormat EnglishLanguage TaznatitLanguage "taznatit language") domainEnglishFormat.kif 57131-57131

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