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Sigma KEE - SumoTawahkaLanguage

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(documentation SumoTawahkaLanguage EnglishLanguage "The SumoTawahkaLanguage is a MisumalpanLanguage of Nicaragua. SIL code: SUM. ISO 639-2: cai. Population: 6,700 in Nicaragua (1982 Mesoamerica). Population total both countries: 7,400. Region: Huaspuc (Waspuk) River and tributaries. Alternate names: SUMU, SOUMO, SUMOO, WOOLWA, SUMO, ULWA. Dialects PANAMAHKA, TWAHKA, NICARAGUAN TAWAHKA, HONDURAN TAWAHKA (SOUTHERN SUMO). Comments: The same language as Honduras, but a different dialect. The first three dialects listed group together into Northern Sumo. SOV. Hunter-gatherers, fishermen, swidden agriculturalists: manioc. NT in press (1999). Also spoken in: Honduras. (Language name: SUMO TAWAHKA.) Population: 700 in Honduras (1997 SIL). 800 to 1,000 in the ethnic group (1993 Ramon D. Rivas. Alternate names: SUMO, SUMU, SOUMO, SUMOO. Dialects: TAWAHKA, ULWA. Comments: Same language as in Nicaragua, but different dialect. Honduran Tawahka is reported to be closer to Nicaraguan Panamahka than to Nicaraguan Tawahka. Bilingualism in Miskito. The name 'Sumo' is not used by speakers. Investigation needed: intelligibility with Nicaraguan Tawahka. SOV. Literacy rate in first language: 10% to 30%. Literacy rate in second language: 25% to 50%. NT in press (1999).(extract from http:/ / )") Languages.kif 12228-12244
(instance SumoTawahkaLanguage MisumalpanLanguage) Languages.kif 12227-12227 SumoTawahkaLanguage è un' istanza di MisumalpanLanguage

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(termFormat ChineseLanguage SumoTawahkaLanguage "相扑塔瓦赫语") domainEnglishFormat.kif 56067-56067
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage SumoTawahkaLanguage "相撲塔瓦赫語") domainEnglishFormat.kif 56066-56066
(termFormat EnglishLanguage SumoTawahkaLanguage "sumo tawahka language") domainEnglishFormat.kif 56065-56065

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