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Sigma KEE - PitcairnNorfolkLanguage

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(documentation PitcairnNorfolkLanguage EnglishLanguage "The PitcairnNorfolkLanguage is an EnglishTahitianLanguage of NorfolkIsland. SIL code: PIH. ISO 639-2: mis. Population: (580 on Norfolk Island, 1989 Holm). Region: Norfolk Island, Pitcairn Island. There are some second generation Pitcairn Islanders in Australia and New Zealand. Also spoken in Australia, Fiji, New Zealand, Pitcairn. Alternate names: PITCAIRN ENGLISH. Dialects: NORFOLK ENGLISH. Comments: Slightly different variety than in Pitcairn. An in-group language used to assist in the preservation of identity. People speak Standard British English as mother tongue. Developed from mutineers settling on Pitcairn in 1790. Some were removed to Norfolk in 1859. Agriculturalists: breadfruit, banana, pineapple, passion fruit, watermelon, mango, custard apple, orange, lime, lemon, grapefruit. Second language only. Also spoken in: Australia. (Language name: PITCAIRN-NORFOLK.) Population: Some second language users. Alternate names: PITCAIRN ENGLISH. Comments: An in-group language used to assist in the preservation of identity. The people speak Standard English as mother tongue. There may be no speakers on the Australian mainland. Christian. Second language only. Also spoken in: New Zealand. (Language name: PITCAIRN-NORFOLK.) Alternate names: PITCAIRN ENGLISH. Comments: Developed from mutineers settling on Pitcairn in 1790. Some people were removed to Norfolk in 1859. An in-group language used to assist in the preservation of identity. People speak standard English as mother tongue. Christian. Second language only. Also spoken in: Pitcairn. (Language name: PITCAIRN-NORFOLK.) Population: Fewer than 50 on Pitcairn, 1989 J. Holm. DialectsL PITCAIRN ENGLISH. Comments: Developed from mutineers settling on Pitcairn in 1790. Some were removed to Norfolk in 1859. Slightly different variety than in Norfolk. An in-group language to assist in the preservation of identity. People speak Standard British English as mother tongue. Christian. Second language only.(extract from http:/ / )") Languages.kif 6089-6115
(instance PitcairnNorfolkLanguage EnglishTahitianLanguage) Languages.kif 6088-6088 PitcairnNorfolkLanguage è un' istanza di EnglishTahitianLanguage

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat ChineseLanguage PitcairnNorfolkLanguage "皮特凯恩诺福克语") domainEnglishFormat.kif 45950-45950
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage PitcairnNorfolkLanguage "皮特凱恩諾福克語") domainEnglishFormat.kif 45949-45949
(termFormat EnglishLanguage PitcairnNorfolkLanguage "pitcairn norfolk language") domainEnglishFormat.kif 45948-45948

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