appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation GuidanceDesignPattern EnglishLanguage "Instances of RealtimeSystems are described as systems with Guidance-DesignPattern if they consist of sensors connected to a software module that filters data from the sensors and sends the filtered data to a software module that evaluates the filtered data and sends instructions to a software module that commands actuators. The design pattern is an event source that produces events and a data source that produces data, both executing in parallel and handled by a single event-driven periodic data handler. The two separate input streams have fundamentally different characteristics. The event stream is necessarily asychronous, or transient. Once an event is sensed, the handler accepts data from the data stream, which has an invariant cycle time. There are two deadlines for a real-time guidance system. The period deadline is the time to process all elements in the data stream once and generate an actuator command. The action completion deadline is the time to guide the actuator to completion of the action.") | QoSontology.kif 1382-1397 | |
(subclass GuidanceDesignPattern DesignPatternAttribute) | QoSontology.kif 1381-1381 | GuidanceDesignPattern รจ una sottoclasse di DesignPatternAttribute |