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Sigma KEE - GasconLanguage

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(documentation GasconLanguage EnglishLanguage "The GasconLanguage is an OcLanguage of France. SIL code: GSC. ISO 639-1: oc. ISO 639-2: oci. Population: 250,000 speakers in France (1990 P. Blanchet), The population in the Bearn region of southern Gasconha, France is 400,000 (1982), 51% speak Gascon, 70% understand it, 85% are in favor of saving it. Population total both countries 254,800. Region: Gascogne Province, from Medoc to the Pyrenees, from the Atlantic to the Catalan area. Bearnese is spoken by a strong majority in the Bearn. Alternate names: OCCITAN. Dialects: LANDAIS, BEARNAIS (BIARNESE), ARIEGEOIS, ARANESE. Comments: Gascon, Languedocien, and Limousin are structurally separate languages (F.B. Agard). Gascon speakers have some intelligibility of Provencal, some or limited intelligibility of Languedocien (reports differ). Inherently intelligible with Aranese Gascon in Spain, which is a dialect. Literacy rate in first language: Much lower than in Spain. Bible portions 1583-1983. Also spoken in: Spain. (Language name: GASCON, ARANESE.) Population: 3,814 speakers, plus 1,283 who understand it in Spain (1991 linguistic census) out of 5,922 in the valley (1991 census). Alternate names: ARANES, ARANESE, ARNAIS, GASCON, ARANESE OCCITAN. Dialects: BAISH ARANES, MIJARANES ARANES, NAUT ARANES. Comments: Some regional variation. Inherently intelligible with Commingese Gascon of France. Not as close to Limousin, Auvergnat, Languedocien, or Provencal, related languages of France. Over half the speakers are fluent in French, Spanish, Catalan, or Occitan. Catalan and Spanish are taught in school. About half of those in Spain also speak French because of commercial traffic both ways across the border. Most occasions. Speakers in Spain: 532 ages 2-14, 775 15-29, 733 30-44, 750 45-64, 609 over 65, 9 without age indicated. The Aranese magazine 'Toti' is published monthly. The Center of Linguistic Normalization is dedicated to the promotion of its use. Called 'Aranese' in France. Aranese is influenced by Catalan and Spanish more than French. Official language. Literacy rate in first language: 32% Aranese. Literacy rate in second language: Nearly 100% in Spanish, 50% in Catalan. Own orthography in Spain. Taught regularly in school since 1984. Newspapers. Bible portions 1583-1983.(extract from http:/ / )") Languages.kif 10092-10122
(externalImage GasconLanguage " 4/ 48/ Austria-GreenBeret.jpg") pictureList.kif 8499-8499
(externalImage GasconLanguage " e/ e7/ Isard_des_pyrenees_bigorre_2003.jpg") pictureList.kif 9253-9253
(instance GasconLanguage OcLanguage) Languages.kif 10091-10091 GasconLanguage è un' istanza di OcLanguage

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat ChineseLanguage GasconLanguage "gascon语言") domainEnglishFormat.kif 25514-25514
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage GasconLanguage "gascon語言") domainEnglishFormat.kif 25513-25513
(termFormat EnglishLanguage GasconLanguage "gascon language") domainEnglishFormat.kif 25512-25512

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