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Sigma KEE - guest

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation guest EnglishLanguage "guest refers to the customer living in a TemporaryResidence for the duration of his stay there") Hotel.kif 57-58
(domain guest 1 CognitiveAgent) Hotel.kif 66-66
(domain guest 2 AutonomousAgent) Hotel.kif 67-67
(instance guest BinaryPredicate) Hotel.kif 56-56
(subrelation guest customer) Hotel.kif 55-55

appearance as argument number 2

(format ChineseLanguage guest "%1 是在 %2 的 guest ") domainEnglishFormat.kif 3566-3566
(format ChineseTraditionalLanguage guest "%1 是在 %2 的 guest ") domainEnglishFormat.kif 3565-3565
(format EnglishLanguage guest "%1 is a guest at %2") domainEnglishFormat.kif 3564-3564
(termFormat EnglishLanguage guest "guest") Hotel.kif 59-59


        (checkOutTime ?HOTEL ?TIME)
        (guest ?GUEST ?HOTEL))
    (expects ?HOTEL
        (exists (?T ?C)
                (instance ?T ?TIME)
                (patient ?C ?GUEST)
                (instance ?C CheckOutService)
                (agent ?C ?HOTEL)
                        (WhenFn ?C)) ?T)))))
Hotel.kif 684-695
        (employs ?HOTEL ?ATHLETE)
        (attribute ?HOTEL TravelerAccommodation)
        (attribute ?ATHLETE TennisProfessional)
        (guest ?CUST ?HOTEL))
        (exists (?TENNIS ?LOC)
                (instance ?TENNIS Tennis)
                (contestParticipant ?TENNIS ?ATHLETE)
                (contestParticipant ?TENNIS ?CUST)
                (located ?TENNIS ?LOC)
                (located ?HOTEL ?LOC))) Possibility))
Hotel.kif 1522-1535
        (guest ?CUST ?HOTEL)
        (stays ?CUST ?R)
        (element ?R
            (PropertyFn ?HOTEL))
        (instance ?R ?ROOM)
        (roomAmenity ?ROOM ?OBJ)
        (subclass ?OBJ Object))
    (exists (?O)
            (instance ?O ?OBJ)
            (located ?O ?R)
                (exists (?PROC)
                        (agent ?PROC ?CUST)
                            (instrument ?PROC ?O)
                            (patient ?PROC ?O)
                            (resource ?PROC ?O)))) ?HOTEL ?CUST))))
Hotel.kif 294-313
        (offers ?HOTEL ?MP)
        (instance ?MP MealPlan)
        (includedMeal ?MP ?ATTR)
        (attribute ?HOTEL TravelerAccommodation)
        (guest ?GUEST ?HOTEL)
        (buys ?GUEST ?HOTEL ?MP))
            (guest ?GUEST ?HOTEL))
        (exists (?TI)
            (holdsDuring ?TI
                (exists (?MEAL)
                        (attribute ?MEAL ?ATTR)
                        (hasPurpose ?MEAL
                            (exists (?E)
                                    (instance ?E Eating)
                                    (agent ?E ?GUEST)
                                    (patient ?E ?MEAL))))))))))
Hotel.kif 1558-1578


        (instance ?POLICY DailyHousekeepingPolicy)
        (policyOwner ?AGENT ?POLICY))
        (exists (?GUEST ?ROOM ?STAY)
                (guest ?GUEST ?AGENT)
                (stays ?GUEST ?ROOM)
                (equal ?STAY
                        (stays ?GUEST ?ROOM)))
                (holdsDuring ?STAY
                    (forall (?DAY)
                                (instance ?DAY Day)
                                (during ?DAY ?STAY))
                            (exists (?RC)
                                    (instance ?RC RoomCleaningService)
                                    (patient ?RC ?ROOM)
                                    (during ?RC ?DAY)))))))) Likely))
Hotel.kif 2654-2674
        (instance ?POLICY NoHousekeepingPolicy)
        (policyOwner ?AGENT ?POLICY)
        (attribute ?AGENT TravelerAccommodation))
        (exists (?GUEST ?ROOM)
                (guest ?GUEST ?AGENT)
                        (stays ?GUEST ?ROOM))
                        (exists (?CLEAN)
                                (instance ?CLEAN RoomCleaningService)
                                (patient ?CLEAN ?ROOM))))))) Likely))
Hotel.kif 2681-2697
        (instance ?POLICY WithHousekeepingPolicy)
        (policyOwner ?AGENT ?POLICY)
        (attribute ?AGENT TravelerAccommodation))
        (exists (?GUEST ?ROOM)
                (guest ?GUEST ?AGENT)
                        (stays ?GUEST ?ROOM))
                    (exists (?CLEAN)
                            (instance ?CLEAN RoomCleaningService)
                            (patient ?CLEAN ?ROOM)))))) Likely))
Hotel.kif 2704-2719
        (offers ?HOTEL ?MP)
        (instance ?MP MealPlan)
        (includedMeal ?MP ?ATTR)
        (attribute ?HOTEL TravelerAccommodation)
        (guest ?GUEST ?HOTEL)
        (buys ?GUEST ?HOTEL ?MP))
            (guest ?GUEST ?HOTEL))
        (exists (?TI)
            (holdsDuring ?TI
                (exists (?MEAL)
                        (attribute ?MEAL ?ATTR)
                        (hasPurpose ?MEAL
                            (exists (?E)
                                    (instance ?E Eating)
                                    (agent ?E ?GUEST)
                                    (patient ?E ?MEAL))))))))))
Hotel.kif 1558-1578
        (propositionOwner ?AGENT ?HP)
        (instance ?HP HotelPackage)
        (accommodationProvider ?HP ?HOTEL)
        (roomStay ?HP ?NUM ?ROOM)
        (instance ?R ?ROOM)
        (element ?R
            (PropertyFn ?HOTEL))
        (buys ?CUST ?AGENT ?HP))
    (exists (?TI)
            (equal ?TI
                (MeasureFn ?NUM DayDuration))
            (holdsDuring ?TI
                (guest ?CUST ?HOTEL)))))
Hotel.kif 2744-2757
        (rents ?GUEST ?HOTEL ?ROOM ?TI)
        (attribute ?HOTEL TravelerAccommodation)
        (instance ?ROOM HotelUnit))
    (holdsDuring ?TI
        (guest ?GUEST ?HOTEL)))
Hotel.kif 69-75

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