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Sigma KEE - PlaneAngleMeasure
PlaneAngleMeasure(plane angle measure)
ALT, EL, acute, altitude, angle_of_attack, angle_of_dip, angle_of_extinction, angle_of_incidence, angle_of_reflection, angle_of_refraction, anomaly, azimuthal, celestial_latitude, circular_measure, critical_angle, cutting_angle, dec, declination, depression, diagonal, dip, elevation, exterior_angle, external_angle, extinction_angle, face_angle, grade, hour_angle, incidence, incidence_angle, inclination, interior_angle, internal_angle, lead, magnetic_declination, magnetic_dip, magnetic_inclination, magnetic_variation, normal, oblique, obtuse, obtuse_angle, perigon, pitch, plane_angle, rake, re-entrant, reentering_angle, reentrant, reentrant_angle...

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation PlaneAngleMeasure ChineseLanguage "这是平面一个角度的值。") chinese_format.kif 2427-2427
(documentation PlaneAngleMeasure EnglishLanguage "The value of an angle in a plane.") Merge.kif 6327-6327
(documentation PlaneAngleMeasure JapaneseLanguage "平面内の角度の値。") japanese_format.kif 1117-1117
(externalImage PlaneAngleMeasure " commons/ 1/ 1f/ Coordonnees_polaires_plan.png") pictureList.kif 24-24
(subclass PlaneAngleMeasure AngleMeasure) Merge.kif 6325-6325 Plane angle measure is a subclass of angle measure

appearance as argument number 2

(disjoint SolidAngleMeasure PlaneAngleMeasure) Merge.kif 6330-6330 Solid angle measure is disjoint from plane angle measure
(termFormat ChineseLanguage PlaneAngleMeasure "平面角度测量") chinese_format.kif 1310-1310
(termFormat EnglishLanguage PlaneAngleMeasure "plane angle measure") english_format.kif 1837-1837
(termFormat FrenchLanguage PlaneAngleMeasure "mesure de l'angle d'une surface") french_format.kif 988-988
(termFormat Hindi PlaneAngleMeasure "samatala koNa maapa") terms-hindi.txt 523-523
(termFormat ItalianLanguage PlaneAngleMeasure "MisuraDiAngoloPiano") terms-it.txt 527-527
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage PlaneAngleMeasure "平面角度測定") japanese_format.kif 2672-2672
(termFormat PortugueseLanguage PlaneAngleMeasure "Medida de Angulo Planar") portuguese_format.kif 940-940
(termFormat cb PlaneAngleMeasure "sipilyang anggulong sukod") terms-cb.txt 529-529
(termFormat cz PlaneAngleMeasure "plane angle measure") terms-cz.txt 563-563
(termFormat ro PlaneAngleMeasure "mãsurã de unghi plan") relations-ro.kif 1009-1009
(termFormat tg PlaneAngleMeasure "sukat ng anggulong pantay") terms-tg.txt 528-528

appearance as argument number 3

(domain CosineFn 1 PlaneAngleMeasure) Merge.kif 4802-4802 The number 1 argument of cosine is an instance of plane angle measure
(domain courseWRTCompassNorth 3 PlaneAngleMeasure) Geography.kif 3819-3819 The number 3 argument of courseWRT compass north is an instance of plane angle measure
(domain courseWRTMagneticNorth 3 PlaneAngleMeasure) Geography.kif 3787-3787 The number 3 argument of courseWRT magnetic north is an instance of plane angle measure
(domain courseWRTTrueNorth 3 PlaneAngleMeasure) Geography.kif 3724-3724 The number 3 argument of courseWRT true north is an instance of plane angle measure
(domain headingWRTCompassNorth 2 PlaneAngleMeasure) Geography.kif 3715-3715 The number 2 argument of headingWRT compass north is an instance of plane angle measure
(domain headingWRTMagneticNorth 2 PlaneAngleMeasure) Geography.kif 3706-3706 The number 2 argument of headingWRT magnetic north is an instance of plane angle measure
(domain headingWRTTrueNorth 2 PlaneAngleMeasure) Geography.kif 3697-3697 The number 2 argument of headingWRT true north is an instance of plane angle measure
(domain magneticVariation 2 PlaneAngleMeasure) Geography.kif 3769-3769 The number 2 argument of magnetic variation is an instance of plane angle measure
(domain relativeBearing 3 PlaneAngleMeasure) Geography.kif 3830-3830 The number 3 argument of relative bearing is an instance of plane angle measure


    (equal ?QUANT
        (MeasureFn ?N AngularDegree))
    (instance ?QUANT PlaneAngleMeasure))
Merge.kif 7364-7366

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