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Sigma KEE - Making
Making(making)Bessemer_process, air-condition, alter, anastylosis, antiquate, antique, aquatint, architectonic, arts_and_crafts, assemble, automatise, automatize, back, barb, beat, beneficiate, border, braid, brocade, build, button, calk, camp, camp_down, carving, cast, cast_on, casting, caulk, channelise, channelize, chip, clap_together, clap_up, cleave, cobble_together, cobble_up, cobbling, coil, cold_work, coldwork, comfit, concoction, confect, confection, consolidate, construct, couture, craft, create_from_raw_material...

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation Making ChineseLanguage "这是制作个别 Artifact 或一种 ArtifactCreation subclass。") chinese_format.kif 3217-3218
(documentation Making EnglishLanguage "The subclass of Creation in which an individual Artifact or a type of Artifact is made.") Merge.kif 12836-12837
(subclass Making Creation) Merge.kif 12834-12834 Making is a subclass of creation
(subclass Making IntentionalProcess) Merge.kif 12835-12835 Making is a subclass of intentional process

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass Carpentry Making) Mid-level-ontology.kif 20788-20788 Carpentry is a subclass of making
(subclass Constructing Making) Merge.kif 12846-12846 Constructing is a subclass of making
(subclass Cooking Making) Merge.kif 12883-12883 Cooking is a subclass of making
(subclass Copying Making) Mid-level-ontology.kif 20411-20411 Copying is a subclass of making
(subclass DeliveringWeaponOfMassDestruction Making) WMD.kif 703-703 Delivering weapon of mass destruction is a subclass of making
(subclass DevelopingWeaponOfMassDestruction Making) WMD.kif 686-686 Developing weapon of mass destruction is a subclass of making
(subclass Manufacture Making) Merge.kif 12863-12863 Manufacture is a subclass of making
(subclass Photocopying Making) Mid-level-ontology.kif 26313-26313 Photocopying is a subclass of making
(subclass Sculpting Making) Mid-level-ontology.kif 3276-3276 Sculpting is a subclass of making
(subclass Weaving Making) Mid-level-ontology.kif 4624-4624 Weaving is a subclass of making
(termFormat ChineseLanguage Making "制作") chinese_format.kif 1185-1185
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Making "making") english_format.kif 1587-1587
(termFormat FrenchLanguage Making "faire") french_format.kif 863-863
(termFormat Hindi Making "rachanaa") terms-hindi.txt 395-395
(termFormat ItalianLanguage Making "Fabbricazione") terms-it.txt 398-398
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage Making "作る") japanese_format.kif 2547-2547
(termFormat PortugueseLanguage Making "Fazer") portuguese_format.kif 815-815
(termFormat cb Making "paghimo") terms-cb.txt 400-400
(termFormat cz Making "making") terms-cz.txt 434-434
(termFormat ro Making "facere") relations-ro.kif 884-884
(termFormat tg Making "pag-gawa") terms-tg.txt 399-399

appearance as argument number 3

(domainSubclass MakingFn 1 Making) Merge.kif 18393-18393 The number 1 argument of Making fn is a subclass of making


    (instance ?MAKING Making)
    (exists (?ARTIFACT)
            (instance ?ARTIFACT Artifact)
            (result ?MAKING ?ARTIFACT))))
Merge.kif 12839-12844


        (instance ?AS ArtSchool)
        (instance ?P EducationalProcess)
        (eventLocated ?P ?AS))
    (exists (?M ?ART)
            (instance ?M Making)
            (patient ?M ?ART)
            (instance ?ART ArtWork)
            (refers ?P ?M))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 16765-16775
        (instance ?ORG Organization)
        (attribute ?ORG ?INDUSTRY)
        (industryProductType ?INDUSTRY ?TYPE))
    (exists (?EVENT ?ITEM)
            (instance ?EVENT Making)
            (instance ?ITEM ?TYPE)
            (agent ?EVENT ?ORG)
            (result ?EVENT ?ITEM))))
Economy.kif 1607-1617
    (attribute ?H Potter)
    (exists (?M ?P)
            (instance ?P Pottery)
            (instance ?M Making)
            (agent ?M ?H)
            (result ?M ?P))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 20866-20873
    (attribute ?X AeronauticalEngineer)
    (exists (?SKILL)
            (hasSkill ?SKILL ?X)
            (forall (?P)
                    (instance ?P ?SKILL)
                        (exists (?CONS ?OBJ ?PT)
                                (instance ?CONS Making)
                                    (instance ?OBJ Aircraft)
                                        (instance ?OBJ ?PT)
                                        (typicalPart ?PT Aircraft)))
                                (result ?CONS ?OBJ)
                                (subProcess ?P ?CONS)))
                        (exists (?DESIGN ?PLAN ?OBJ ?PT)
                                (instance ?DESIGN Designing)
                                    (instance ?OBJ Aircraft)
                                        (instance ?OBJ ?PT)
                                        (typicalPart ?PT Aircraft)))
                                (result ?DESIGN ?PLAN)
                                (represents ?PLAN ?OBJ)
                                (subProcess ?P ?DESIGN)))))))))
Biography.kif 436-465
    (attribute ?X MeanOfProduction)
    (hasPurpose ?X
            (exists (?MAKE ?PRODUCT)
                    (instance ?MAKE Making)
                    (involvedInEvent ?MAKE ?X)
                        (result ?MAKE ?X))
                    (instance ?PRODUCT Artifact)
                    (result ?MAKE ?PRODUCT)
                    (hasPurpose ?PRODUCT
                        (exists (?SELL)
                                (instance ?SELL Selling)
                                (patient ?SELL ?PRODUCT))))))
            (exists (?SERVICE)
                    (instance ?SERVICE CommercialService)
                    (involvedInEvent ?SERVICE ?X))))))
Economy.kif 5747-5767
    (contestObject ?CONTEST ?OBJ ?AGENT)
        (contestParticipant ?CONTEST ?AGENT)
        (exists (?MAKE ?JUDGE ?PROC ?AFTR)
                (instance ?MAKE Making)
                (result ?MAKE ?OBJ)
                (agent ?MAKE ?AGENT)
                (instance ?PROC Judging)
                (agent ?PROC ?JUDGE)
                (patient ?PROC ?OBJ)
                (result ?PROC
                    (subjectiveAttribute ?OBJ ?AFTR ?JUDGE))
                (subProcess ?PROC ?CONTEST)))))
Dining.kif 883-896
    (instance ?ARTIFACT Artifact)
    (exists (?MAKING)
            (instance ?MAKING Making)
            (result ?MAKING ?ARTIFACT))))
Merge.kif 15707-15712
    (instance ?F CottonFabric)
    (exists (?M ?C)
            (instance ?M Making)
            (resource ?M ?C)
            (instance ?C Cotton)
            (result ?M ?F))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 5452-5459
    (instance ?HAY Hay)
    (exists (?MAKE ?GRASS)
            (instance ?MAKE Making)
            (resource ?MAKE ?GRASS)
            (instance ?GRASS Grass)
            (result ?MAKE ?HAY))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 20402-20409
    (instance ?LEATHER Leather)
    (exists (?MAKE ?SKIN)
            (instance ?MAKE Making)
            (resource ?MAKE ?SKIN)
            (instance ?SKIN Skin)
            (result ?MAKE ?LEATHER))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 5377-5384
    (instance ?MT MechanicalDie)
    (hasPurpose ?MT
        (exists (?M ?N)
                (instance ?M Making)
                (instance ?N MechanicalNut)
                (instrument ?M ?MT)
                (result ?M ?N)))))
Cars.kif 4227-4235
    (instance ?MT MechanicalTap)
    (hasPurpose ?MT
        (exists (?M ?B)
                (instance ?M Making)
                (instance ?B Bolt)
                (instrument ?M ?MT)
                (result ?M ?B)))))
Cars.kif 4213-4221
    (instance ?PUB Brewpub)
    (exists (?SERVICE ?BEER ?BREW)
            (instance ?BREW Making)
            (result ?BREW ?BEER)
            (instance ?BEER Beer)
            (agent ?BREW ?PUB)
            (instance ?SERVICE CommercialService)
            (agent ?SERVICE ?PUB)
            (instance ?SERVICE Selling)
            (patient ?SERVICE ?BEER))))
Dining.kif 51-62
    (instance ?S Silk)
    (exists (?M ?T ?I)
            (instance ?M Making)
            (result ?M ?S)
            (resource ?M ?T)
            (part ?T ?I)
            (instance ?I Insect)
            (attribute ?I Larval))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 5390-5399
    (instance ?S Workshop)
    (hasPurpose ?S
        (exists (?M ?W)
                (instance ?M Making)
                (result ?M ?W)
                (instance ?W Artifact)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 6857-6864
    (instance ?STUDIO ArtStudio)
    (hasPurpose ?STUDIO
        (exists (?MAKE ?WORK)
                (instance ?MAKE Making)
                (result ?MAKE ?WORK)
                (instance ?WORK ArtWork)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 6732-6739
    (instance ?W Wool)
    (exists (?M ?H ?S)
            (instance ?M Making)
            (result ?M ?W)
            (resource ?M ?H)
            (part ?H ?S)
            (instance ?H Hair)
            (instance ?S Sheep))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 5404-5413
    (instance ?X Paper)
    (exists (?MAKE ?CELL ?PRESS)
            (instance ?MAKE Making)
            (instance ?CELL Cellulose)
            (instance ?PRESS Compressing)
            (resource ?MAKE ?CELL)
            (result ?MAKE ?X)
            (subProcess ?MAKE ?PRESS)
            (patient ?PRESS ?CELL))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 3562-3572
    (instance ?X WetBar)
    (exists (?SINK ?OBJ)
            (instance ?SINK WashBasin)
            (part ?SINK ?X)
            (instance ?OBJ Object)
            (attribute ?OBJ Flat)
            (hasPurpose ?OBJ
                (exists (?PREP ?FOOD)
                        (instance ?PREP Making)
                        (result ?PREP ?FOOD)
                            (instance ?FOOD PreparedFood)
                            (instance ?FOOD Beverage))
                        (eventLocated ?PREP ?OBJ))))
            (part ?OBJ ?X))))
Food.kif 331-348
    (thirdPartyProduct ?ART ?ORG ?AG)
        (exists (?M)
                (instance ?M Making)
                (agent ?M ?ORG)
                (result ?M ?ART)))))
ComputingBrands.kif 3932-3939
    (yearBuilt ?OBJ ?YEAR)
    (exists (?TIME ?MAKE)
            (instance ?TIME ?YEAR)
            (instance ?MAKE Making)
            (result ?MAKE ?OBJ)
                (BeginFn ?TIME)
                    (WhenFn ?MAKE))
                (EndFn ?TIME)))))
Hotel.kif 725-735

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