appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation Damper EnglishLanguage "A Device designed to lessen or to remove a Tremor from a PhysicalSystem. Examples include a car's air shocks, or rubber and fluid-filled foundation mounts for buildings in earthquake-prone areas.") | Cars.kif 772-774 | |
(externalImage Damper "http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/2b/ Damped_spring.gif") | Cars.kif 775-775 | |
(subclass Damper Device) | Cars.kif 770-770 | Damper is a subclass of device |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(subclass AutomobileShock Damper) | Cars.kif 838-838 | Shock is a subclass of damper |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Damper "damper") | Cars.kif 771-771 |
antecedent |
(=> (and (instance ?E Motion) (instance ?T Tremor) (instance ?D Damper) (patient ?T ?O) (part ?D ?O) (causes ?E ?T) (instance ?U UnitOfLength) (holdsDuring (WhenFn ?E) (physicalAmplitude ?T (MeasureFn ?A1 ?U))) (holdsDuring (ImmediateFutureFn ?E) (physicalAmplitude ?T (MeasureFn ?A2 ?U)))) (greaterThan ?A1 ?A2)) |
Cars.kif 777-792 |