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Sigma KEE - MiskitoLanguage

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(documentation MiskitoLanguage EnglishLanguage "The MiskitoLanguage is a MisumalpanLanguage of Nicaragua. SIL code: MIQ. ISO 639-2: cai. Population: 154,400 in Nicaragua (1993 census). Population total both countries: 183,400. Region: From Pearl Lagoon to Black River, coast and lowlands. Zalaya Department, North Atlantic Autonomous Region (RAAN) with a concentration in the city of Puerto Cabeza, and towns and villages of Prinzapolka, Tronquera, San Carlos (Rio Coco), Waspam, Leimus, Bocana de Paiwas, Karawala, Sangnilaya, Wasla, Sisin, Rosita, Bonanza, Siuna, Bihmuna, and all along the Rio Coco area. Also in South Atlantic Autonomous Region (RAAS). Alternate names: MISQUITO, MISKITU, MOSQUITO, MARQUITO. Dialects: HONDURAN MISKITO (MAM), TAWIRA (TAUIRA), BAYMUNA (BAYMUNANA, BALDAM), WANKI (WANGKI), CABO (KABO). Comments: All dialects are intelligible with each other. The language is closest to Sumo. Bilingual level estimates for Spanish are 0 0%, 1 2%, 2 3%, 3 15%, 4 70%, 5 10%. Secondary school children are taught in Spanish, Some English is known. All Miskito understand the language. Widespread use among older people. Many Hispanic people have learned Miskito. Educational materials are in Wangki, spoken around Puerto Cabeza. The other dialects are in settlements southwest of there. Trade language. SOV, articles, relatives after noun heads, word order distinguishes subject, object, verb affixes mark person, number, ergative, passive, CVC, nontonal. Literacy rate in first language: 52% to 58%. Widespread use in primary shools. Semi-tropical to tropical. Coastal. Agriculturalists, fishermen, government and education workers. Just above sea level. Christian. Bible 1999. Also spoken in: Honduras. (Language name: MISKITO.) Population: 29,000 in Honduras (1993 Ramon D. Rivas). Alternate names: MISQUITO, MARQUITO, MISKITU, MOSQUITO. Comments: Trade language. Literacy rate in first language: 1% to 10%. Literacy rate in second language: 5% to 25%. Bible 1999.(extract from http:/ / )") Languages.kif 12198-12224
(externalImage MiskitoLanguage " 4/ 46/ Mapa_Miskito.png") pictureList.kif 8599-8599
(instance MiskitoLanguage MisumalpanLanguage) Languages.kif 12197-12197 miskito語言 and misumalpan語言

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat ChineseLanguage MiskitoLanguage "miskito语言") domainEnglishFormat.kif 38025-38025
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage MiskitoLanguage "miskito語言") domainEnglishFormat.kif 38024-38024
(termFormat EnglishLanguage MiskitoLanguage "miskito language") domainEnglishFormat.kif 38023-38023

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