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Sigma KEE - LevatoresCostarumMuscle

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation LevatoresCostarumMuscle EnglishLanguage "The LevatoresCostarumMuscle assists in elevation of thoracic Rib cage.") Muscles.kif 1058-1058
(muscleInsertion LevatoresCostarumMuscle SuperiorSurfacesOfRibsImmediatelyInferiorToPrecedingVertebrae) Muscles.kif 1054-1054 muscleInsertion LevatoresCostarumMuscle and SuperiorSurfacesOfRibsImmediatelyInferiorToPrecedingVertebrae
(muscleOrigin LevatoresCostarumMuscle TransverseProcessesOfC7ToT12Vertebrae) Muscles.kif 1053-1053 muscleOrigin LevatoresCostarumMuscle and TransverseProcessesOfC7ToT12Vertebrae
(subclass LevatoresCostarumMuscle Muscle) Muscles.kif 1051-1051 子類 LevatoresCostarumMuscle and Muscle

appearance as argument number 2

(ennervates DorsalRamiC8T1T2T3T4T5T6T7T8T9T10T11 LevatoresCostarumMuscle) Muscles.kif 1055-1055 ennervates DorsalRamiC8T1T2T3T4T5T6T7T8T9T10T11 and LevatoresCostarumMuscle
(termFormat EnglishLanguage LevatoresCostarumMuscle "levatores costarum muscle") Muscles.kif 1052-1052

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