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Sigma KEE - FleetMarineForce

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation FleetMarineForce EnglishLanguage "The UnitedStates Fleet Marine Forces (FMF) are combined general- and special-purpose forces within the United States Department of the Navy-BranchOfService that perform offensive amphibious or expeditionary warfare and defensive maritime employment. The Fleet Marine Forces provide the National Command Authority (NCA) with a responsive force that can conduct operations in any spectrum of conflict around the globe.[from Wikipedia]") Medicine.kif 6058-6062
(subclass FleetMarineForce MilitaryOrganization) Medicine.kif 6057-6057 子類 FleetMarineForce and 軍事組織

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat EnglishLanguage FleetMarineForce "fleet marine force") Medicine.kif 6063-6063


    (instance ?FMF FleetMarineForce)
    (exists (?M)
            (instance ?M MarinesBranchOfService)
            (subOrganization ?FMF ?M))))
Medicine.kif 6065-6070

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