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Sigma KEE - CompoundSubstance

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation CompoundSubstance ChineseLanguage "这个 Substance Class ,以确定的重量比例 ,拥有两个或以上元素 (ElementalSubstance)。不管事用什麽方法提炼,纯复合物的成分保持不变。复合物由 超过一中原子(元素)组成。分子这个术语通常用来识别哪些仍然保留化合物所有性质的最小单元。例如:食盐 (氯化钠,NaCl)、糖(蔗糖,C_{12}H_{22}O_{11})、水(H_2O)。") chinese_format.kif 1617-1620
(documentation CompoundSubstance EnglishLanguage "The Class of Substances that contain two or more elements (ElementalSubstances) in definite proportion by weight. The composition of a pure compound will be invariant, regardless of the method of preparation. Compounds are composed of more than one kind of atom (element). The term molecule is often used for the smallest unit of a compound that still retains all of the properties of the compound. Examples: Table salt (sodium chloride, NaCl), sugar (sucrose, C_{12}H_{22}O_{11}), and water (H_2O). ") Merge.kif 1174-1180
(documentation CompoundSubstance JapaneseLanguage "重量で明確な割合で、2つ以上の要素 (ElementalSubstances) を含む Substances の Class 。 準備の方法に関係なく、純粋な化合 物の組成は不変である。 化合物は、複数の種類の原子(要素)で構成される。 分子という用語は、多くの 場合、化合物の最小単位に使用され化合物のすべてのプロパティを保持する。例:食卓塩(ナトリウム 塩化物、NaCl)、砂糖(蔗糖、C_ {12} H_ {22} O_ {11})、および水(H_2O)。") japanese_format.kif 197-201
(documentation CompoundSubstance SpanishLanguage "La Class de Substances que contiene dos o más elementos (ElementalSubstances) en proporción definitiva por peso. La composición de un compuesto no varía independientemente del método de preparación. Los compuestos se componen de más de un tipo de átomo (elemento). El término, «molécula» se usa muchas veces como la unidad más pequeña que todavía retiene todas las propiedades del compuesto. Por ejemplo la sal común, (cloruro de sodio, NaCl), azúcar (sacarosa, C_{12}H_{22}O_{11}) y el agua (H_2O).") spanish_format.kif 233-239
(subclass CompoundSubstance PureSubstance) Merge.kif 1173-1173 子類 CompoundSubstance and PureSubstance

appearance as argument number 2

(instance OzoneShield CompoundSubstance) Geography.kif 2773-2773 臭氧盾 and CompoundSubstance
(instance Permafrost CompoundSubstance) Geography.kif 2429-2429 永久凍土 and CompoundSubstance
(partition PureSubstance CompoundSubstance ElementalSubstance) Merge.kif 1085-1085 劃分 PureSubstance, CompoundSubstance and ElementalSubstance
(subclass Alumina CompoundSubstance) Economy.kif 5610-5610 子類 礬土 and CompoundSubstance
(subclass AtomicGroup CompoundSubstance) Mid-level-ontology.kif 21782-21782 子類 原子團 and CompoundSubstance
(subclass Barite CompoundSubstance) Geography.kif 1996-1996 子類 重晶石 and CompoundSubstance
(subclass Carbohydrate CompoundSubstance) Merge.kif 14745-14745 子類 Carbohydrate and CompoundSubstance
(subclass CarbonDioxide CompoundSubstance) Food.kif 3409-3409 子類 CarbonDioxide and CompoundSubstance
(subclass Cement CompoundSubstance) Economy.kif 5921-5921 子類 水泥 and CompoundSubstance
(subclass ChemicalAcid CompoundSubstance) Mid-level-ontology.kif 8748-8748 子類 化學酸 and CompoundSubstance
(subclass ChemicalAgent CompoundSubstance) WMD.kif 445-445 子類 化學劑 and CompoundSubstance
(subclass ChemicalBase CompoundSubstance) Mid-level-ontology.kif 8765-8765 子類 化學基地 and CompoundSubstance
(subclass ChemicalProduct CompoundSubstance) Economy.kif 5816-5816 子類 化學產品 and CompoundSubstance
(subclass ChemicalSalt CompoundSubstance) Mid-level-ontology.kif 8769-8769 子類 and CompoundSubstance
(subclass Chlorofluorocarbon CompoundSubstance) Cars.kif 1771-1771 子類 Chlorofluorocarbon and CompoundSubstance
(subclass Chromite CompoundSubstance) Geography.kif 2013-2013 子類 鉻鐵礦 and CompoundSubstance
(subclass ConjugatedSubstance CompoundSubstance) Mid-level-ontology.kif 6468-6468 子類 共軛物質 and CompoundSubstance
(subclass Conotoxin CompoundSubstance) WMD.kif 1468-1468 子類 芋螺毒素 and CompoundSubstance
(subclass DDT CompoundSubstance) Geography.kif 2639-2639 子類 DDT and CompoundSubstance
(subclass IllicitDrug CompoundSubstance) TransnationalIssues.kif 81-81 子類 非法藥物 and CompoundSubstance
(subclass IronOre CompoundSubstance) Economy.kif 5621-5621 子類 鐵礦 and CompoundSubstance
(subclass Molecule CompoundSubstance) Merge.kif 15710-15710 子類 Molecule and CompoundSubstance
(subclass NaturalGas CompoundSubstance) Geography.kif 2034-2034 子類 天然氣 and CompoundSubstance
(subclass NitricOxide CompoundSubstance) Geography.kif 7201-7201 子類 NitricOxide and CompoundSubstance
(subclass NitrogenDioxide CompoundSubstance) Geography.kif 7226-7226 子類 NitrogenDioxide and CompoundSubstance

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Display limited to 25 items. Show next 25

appearance as argument number 3

(domain conjugate 1 CompoundSubstance) Mid-level-ontology.kif 6489-6489 共軛, 1 and CompoundSubstance
(domain conjugate 2 CompoundSubstance) Mid-level-ontology.kif 6490-6490 共軛, 2 and CompoundSubstance
(domainSubclass molecularRatio 3 CompoundSubstance) Mid-level-ontology.kif 21764-21764 域子類 molecularRatio, 3 and CompoundSubstance


        (instance ?CS1 ?CLASS)
        (subclass ?CLASS CompoundSubstance)
            (exists (?CS2)
                    (instance ?CS2 ?CLASS)
                    (part ?CS2 ?CS1))))
        (molecularRatio ?ECLASS ?N ?CLASS)
        (instance ?G Group)
        (member ?E ?G)
        (part ?E ?CS1)
        (instance ?E ?ECLASS))
    (memberCount ?G ?N))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 21766-21780
        (resource ?PROC ?SUBSTANCE1)
        (result ?PROC ?SUBSTANCE2)
        (instance ?SUBSTANCE1 CompoundSubstance)
        (instance ?SUBSTANCE2 ElementalSubstance))
    (instance ?PROC ChemicalDecomposition))
Merge.kif 12609-12615
        (resource ?PROC ?SUBSTANCE1)
        (result ?PROC ?SUBSTANCE2)
        (instance ?SUBSTANCE1 ElementalSubstance)
        (instance ?SUBSTANCE2 CompoundSubstance))
    (instance ?PROC ChemicalSynthesis))
Merge.kif 12573-12579
    (instance ?COMPOUND CompoundSubstance)
    (exists (?ELEMENT1 ?ELEMENT2 ?PROCESS)
            (instance ?ELEMENT1 ElementalSubstance)
            (instance ?ELEMENT2 ElementalSubstance)
                (equal ?ELEMENT1 ?ELEMENT2))
            (instance ?PROCESS ChemicalSynthesis)
            (resource ?PROCESS ?ELEMENT1)
            (resource ?PROCESS ?ELEMENT2)
            (result ?PROCESS ?COMPOUND))))
Merge.kif 12581-12591


    (instance ?CS ConjugatedSubstance)
    (exists (?C1 ?C2 ?P)
            (instance ?C1 CompoundSubstance)
            (instance ?C2 CompoundSubstance)
                (equal ?C1 ?C2))
            (instance ?P ChemicalSynthesis)
            (resource ?P ?C1)
            (resource ?P ?C2)
            (result ?P ?CS))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 6472-6482 Entity and 共軛物質 Object Object and Process Object and CompoundSubstance Object and CompoundSubstance 等於 Object and Object Process and ChemicalSynthesis 資源 Process and Object 資源 Process and Object 結果 Process and Entity
        (instance ?ELEMENT1 ElementalSubstance)
        (instance ?ELEMENT2 ElementalSubstance)
            (equal ?ELEMENT1 ?ELEMENT2))
        (instance ?PROCESS ChemicalSynthesis)
        (resource ?PROCESS ?ELEMENT1)
        (resource ?PROCESS ?ELEMENT2)
        (result ?PROCESS ?COMPOUND))
    (instance ?COMPOUND CompoundSubstance))
Merge.kif 12593-12602

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