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Sigma KEE - ArcSecond

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation ArcSecond EnglishLanguage "ArcSecond represents a UnitOfMeasure equivalent to 1/ 60th of an ArcMinute.") Geography.kif 386-387
(instance ArcSecond UnitOfAngularMeasure) Geography.kif 385-385 弧秒 and UnitOfAngularMeasure

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat ChineseLanguage ArcSecond "弧秒") domainEnglishFormat.kif 8262-8262
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage ArcSecond "弧秒") domainEnglishFormat.kif 8261-8261
(termFormat EnglishLanguage ArcSecond "arc second") domainEnglishFormat.kif 8260-8260


    (measure ?ANGLE
        (MeasureFn ?NUMBER ArcSecond))
    (greaterThanOrEqualTo ?NUMBER 0.0))
Geography.kif 389-391
    (measure ?ANGLE
        (MeasureFn ?NUMBER ArcSecond))
    (lessThanOrEqualTo ?NUMBER 60.0))
Geography.kif 393-395


    (measure ?OBJ
        (MeasureFn ?DEG ArcMinute))
    (measure ?OBJ
            (MultiplicationFn 60.0 ?DEG) ArcSecond)))
Geography.kif 397-399 測量 Physical and 測量 RealNumber and 弧分 測量 Physical and 測量 乘法 60.0 and RealNumber and 弧秒
        (instance ?PLACE GeographicArea)
        (located ?PLACE ?T)
        (instance ?T Tropics))
    (exists (?NUM1 ?LONG ?DIR ?NUM2 ?U)
            (objectGeographicCoordinates ?PLACE
                (MeasureFn ?NUM1 ?U) ?LONG)
            (instance ?U UnitOfAngularMeasure)
            (lessThan ?NUM1 ?NUM2)
                (MeasureFn ?NUM2 ?U)
                (LatitudeFn ?DIR
                    (MeasureFn 23.0 AngularDegree)
                    (MeasureFn 26.0 ArcMinute)
                    (MeasureFn 11.5 ArcSecond)))
            (instance ?DIR DirectionalAttribute)
                (equal ?DIR North)
                (equal ?DIR South)))))
Geography.kif 3595-3615
        (equal ?DIRECTION North)
        (equal ?DIRECTION South))
        (LatitudeFn ?DIRECTION
            (MeasureFn 0.0 AngularDegree)
            (MeasureFn 1.0 ArcMinute)
            (MeasureFn 0.0 ArcSecond))
        (MeasureFn 1.0 NauticalMile)))
Geography.kif 433-440


    (MeasureFn 1.0 ArcMinute)
    (MeasureFn 60.0 ArcSecond))
Geography.kif 401-401 等於 測量 1.0 and 弧分 and 測量 60.0 and 弧秒
    (MeasureFn ?DEG ArcMinute)
        (MultiplicationFn 60.0 ?DEG) ArcSecond))
Geography.kif 402-402 等於 測量 RealNumber and 弧分 and 測量 乘法 60.0 and RealNumber and 弧秒

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