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Sigma KEE - valence

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation valence ChineseLanguage "指定一个关系可接纳参数的数目。 如果一个关系没有设定参数 数目,那么它就没有配价,它也就是 VariableArityRelation 的一个实例。") chinese_format.kif 1494-1495
(documentation valence EnglishLanguage "Specifies the number of arguments that a relation can take. If a relation does not have a fixed number of arguments, it does not have a valence and it is an instance of VariableArityRelation.") Merge.kif 363-366
(documentation valence JapaneseLanguage "関連できる引数の数を指定する。 関係に引数の固定数が ない場合、それにはバレンスがなく、VariableArityRelation のインスタンスである。") japanese_format.kif 55-56
(documentation valence SpanishLanguage "Especifica el número de argumentos que puede tomar una relación. Si una relación no tiene un número fijo de argumentos, no tiene diátesis y es una instancia de VariableArityRelation.") spanish_format.kif 60-62
(domain valence 1 Relation) Merge.kif 361-361
(domain valence 2 PositiveInteger) Merge.kif 362-362
(instance valence BinaryPredicate) Merge.kif 359-359
(instance valence SingleValuedRelation) Merge.kif 360-360

appearance as argument number 2

(format ChineseLanguage valence "%1 % %n{doesn't %&have} 有 %2 Argument") chinese_format.kif 327-327
(format EnglishLanguage valence "%1 %p{has} %n{doesn't have} %2 argument(s)") english_format.kif 332-332
(format FrenchLanguage valence "%1 %p{a} %n{n' %&a pas} %2 argument(s)") french_format.kif 186-186
(format ItalianLanguage valence "%1 %p{%&ha} %n{non %&ha} %2 argomento(s") relations-it.txt 309-309
(format JapaneseLanguage valence "%1 は %2 の argument(s) を %p{%&has} %n{ない}") japanese_format.kif 2006-2006
(format PortugueseLanguage valence "%1 %p{tem} %n{nao %&tem } %2 argumento(s)") portuguese_format.kif 138-138
(format cz valence "%1 %p{has} %n{doesn't have} %2 argument(s)") relations-cz.txt 181-181
(format de valence "%1 hat %n{nicht} %2 argument(e)") relations-de.txt 431-431
(format hi valence "%1 kaa koNaanka %2 %n{nahiin} hai") relations-hindi.txt 60-60
(format ro valence "%1 %n{nu} are %2 argument%t{argumente}") relations-ro.kif 206-206
(format sv valence "%1 %&tar %n{inte} %2 argument") relations-sv.txt 196-196
(termFormat ChineseLanguage valence "价") domainEnglishFormat.kif 61174-61174
(termFormat ChineseLanguage valence "配价") chinese_format.kif 328-328
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage valence "價") domainEnglishFormat.kif 61173-61173
(termFormat EnglishLanguage valence "valence") domainEnglishFormat.kif 61172-61172


        (subrelation ?PRED1 ?PRED2)
        (valence ?PRED1 ?NUMBER))
    (valence ?PRED2 ?NUMBER))
Merge.kif 180-184
        (valence ?REL ?NUMBER)
        (instance ?REL Predicate))
    (forall (@ROW)
            (?REL @ROW)
                    (ListFn @ROW)) ?NUMBER))))
Merge.kif 3049-3056


        (subrelation ?PRED1 ?PRED2)
        (valence ?PRED1 ?NUMBER))
    (valence ?PRED2 ?NUMBER))
Merge.kif 180-184
    (instance ?FUNCTION BinaryFunction)
    (valence ?FUNCTION 2))
Merge.kif 3406-3408
    (instance ?FUNCTION QuaternaryFunction)
    (valence ?FUNCTION 4))
Merge.kif 3469-3471
    (instance ?FUNCTION TernaryFunction)
    (valence ?FUNCTION 3))
Merge.kif 3458-3460
    (instance ?FUNCTION UnaryFunction)
    (valence ?FUNCTION 1))
Merge.kif 3366-3368
    (instance ?REL BinaryPredicate)
    (valence ?REL 2))
Merge.kif 3486-3488
    (instance ?REL QuaternaryPredicate)
    (valence ?REL 4))
Merge.kif 3508-3510
    (instance ?REL QuintaryPredicate)
    (valence ?REL 5))
Merge.kif 3519-3521
    (instance ?REL TernaryPredicate)
    (valence ?REL 3))
Merge.kif 3497-3499
    (instance ?REL VariableArityRelation)
        (exists (?INT)
            (valence ?REL ?INT))))
Merge.kif 3528-3532

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