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Sigma KEE - FeelingOutOfControl

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation FeelingOutOfControl EnglishLanguage "May have an evaluative component as well as a feeling component. Needs discussing.") emotion.kif 1792-1793
(documentation FeelingOutOfControl EnglishLanguage "The subjective feeling of not being in control, not being able to gain agency of one's own behavior.") emotion.kif 1797-1799
(instance FeelingOutOfControl SubjectiveEmotionalFeeling) emotion.kif 1794-1794 FeelingOutOfControlSubjectiveEmotionalFeelinginstance

appearance as argument number 2

(contraryAttribute FeelingInControl FeelingOutOfControl) emotion.kif 1790-1790 FeelingInControlFeelingOutOfControl 的相反
(termFormat EnglishLanguage FeelingOutOfControl "feeling out of control") emotion.kif 1796-1796
(utterance EnglishLanguage FeelingOutOfControl "out of control") emotion.kif 1795-1795 utterance 英语, FeelingOutOfControl and "out of control"

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