appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation CommonWheatGrain EnglishLanguage "CommonWheatGrain is the seed of (T.aestivum). Bread wheat is an allohexaploid – a combination of six sets of chromosomes from different species. Of the six sets of chromosomes, four come from emmer (Triticum turgidum, itself a tetraploid) and two from Aegilops tauschii (a wild diploid goatgrass). [wikiepedia]") | Economy.kif 4060-4063 | |
(subclass CommonWheatGrain WheatGrain) | Economy.kif 4059-4059 | CommonWheatGrain 是 小麦籽粒 的 subclass |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(initialPart CommonWheatFlour CommonWheatGrain) | Food.kif 1507-1507 | %每个 CommonWheatFlour 是 CommonWheatGrain 的 initially part |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage CommonWheatGrain "common wheat grain") | Economy.kif 4064-4064 |
antecedent |
(=> (equal ?X (PlantFn CommonWheatGrain)) (subclass ?X CommonWheatGrass)) |
Economy.kif 4066-4069 |
(=> (instance ?WF (OrganicObjectFn CommonWheatGrain)) (instance ?WF CommonWheatFlour)) |
Food.kif 1508-1510 |