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Sigma KEE - CheckInService

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation CheckInService EnglishLanguage "CheckInService refers to the process of informing a serviceProvider that the customer is ready for some Process to begin") Hotel.kif 2149-2151
(subclass CheckInService ServiceProcess) Hotel.kif 2148-2148 CheckInService服务subclass

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass SelfServiceCheckIn CheckInService) Hotel.kif 2168-2168 SelfServiceCheckInCheckInServicesubclass
(termFormat EnglishLanguage CheckInService "check-in service") Hotel.kif 2152-2152


        (instance ?CHECKIN CheckInService)
        (causes ?CHECKIN ?SERVICE)
        (instance ?CHECKOUT CheckOutService))
        (WhenFn ?CHECKOUT)
        (WhenFn ?SERVICE)))
Hotel.kif 2196-2203
    (instance ?CHECK CheckInService)
    (exists (?AGENT ?CUST ?GREET ?SERVICE)
            (customer ?CUST ?AGENT)
            (serviceProvider ?CHECK ?AGENT)
            (instance ?GREET Greeting)
            (agent ?GREET ?CUST)
            (destination ?GREET ?AGENT)
            (subProcess ?GREET ?CHECK)
            (instance ?SERVICE Process)
            (agent ?SERVICE ?AGENT)
            (causes ?CHECK ?SERVICE))))
Hotel.kif 2154-2166


    (checkInTime ?HOTEL ?TIME)
        (exists (?T ?C)
                (instance ?T ?TIME)
                (instance ?C CheckInService)
                (agent ?C ?HOTEL)
                        (WhenFn ?C)) ?T))) Unlikely))
Hotel.kif 667-675
    (instance ?CHECK CheckOutService)
    (exists (?CHECKIN)
            (instance ?CHECKIN CheckInService)
                    (WhenFn ?CHECKIN))
                    (WhenFn ?CHECK))))))
Hotel.kif 2187-2194
    (instance ?X HotelFrontDesk)
    (hasPurpose ?X
        (exists (?CHECK)
                    (instance ?CHECK CheckInService)
                    (instance ?CHECK CheckOutService))
                (agent ?CHECK ?X)))))
Hotel.kif 1755-1763

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