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Sigma KEE - BodySideFn

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation BodySideFn EnglishLanguage "A Function that takes a BodyPart that normally exists in pairs and returns the part that is on the given side of the body, for example (BodyPartFn Right Lung) or (BodyPartFn Left Arm).") Merge.kif 15020-15022
(domain BodySideFn 1 AntiSymmetricPositionalAttribute) Merge.kif 15017-15017 BodySideFn 的 1 数量 是 AntiSymmetricPositionalAttributeinstance
(domainSubclass BodySideFn 2 BodyPart) Merge.kif 15018-15018 BodySideFn 的 2 数量 是 身体部位subclass
(instance BodySideFn BinaryFunction) Merge.kif 15016-15016 BodySideFn二元函数instance
(rangeSubclass BodySideFn BodyPart) Merge.kif 15019-15019 BodySideFn 的所得值 是 身体部位subclass

appearance as argument number 2

(format EnglishLanguage BodySideFn "the %1 %2") Merge.kif 15023-15023
(termFormat EnglishLanguage BodySideFn "Body side fn") domainEnglishFormat.kif 64555-64555


        (instance ?A Animal)
        (instance ?P
            (BodySideFn ?S ?BPC))
        (contraryAttribute ?S ?SO)
        (attribute ?A Healthy))
    (exists (?PO)
            (instance ?PO
                (BodySideFn ?SO ?BPC))
            (orientation ?P ?PO ?S))))
Merge.kif 15025-15036
    (instance ?X
        (BodySideFn ?S ?P))
    (instance ?X ?P))
Merge.kif 15038-15040


        (instance ?A Animal)
        (instance ?P
            (BodySideFn ?S ?BPC))
        (contraryAttribute ?S ?SO)
        (attribute ?A Healthy))
    (exists (?PO)
            (instance ?PO
                (BodySideFn ?SO ?BPC))
            (orientation ?P ?PO ?S))))
Merge.kif 15025-15036


(subclass LeftArm
    (BodySideFn Left Arm))
Medicine.kif 2858-2858 LeftArmBodySideFn and subclass
(subclass LeftEar
    (BodySideFn Left Ear))
Medicine.kif 2876-2876 LeftEarBodySideFn and subclass
(subclass LeftElbow
    (BodySideFn Left Elbow))
Medicine.kif 2864-2864 LeftElbowBodySideFn and 手肘subclass
(subclass LeftEye
    (BodySideFn Left Eye))
Medicine.kif 2882-2882 LeftEyeBodySideFn and 眼睛subclass
(subclass LeftFoot
    (BodySideFn Left Foot))
Medicine.kif 2924-2924 LeftFootBodySideFn and subclass
(subclass LeftHand
    (BodySideFn Left Hand))
Medicine.kif 2888-2888 LeftHandBodySideFn and subclass
(subclass LeftHip
    (BodySideFn Left Hip))
Medicine.kif 2918-2918 LeftHipBodySideFn and Hipsubclass
(subclass LeftKidney
    (BodySideFn Left Kidney))
Medicine.kif 2900-2900 LeftKidneyBodySideFn and subclass
(subclass LeftKnee
    (BodySideFn Left Knee))
Medicine.kif 2912-2912 LeftKneeBodySideFn and 膝盖subclass
(subclass LeftLeg
    (BodySideFn Left Leg))
Medicine.kif 2906-2906 LeftLegBodySideFn and subclass
(subclass LeftLung
    (BodySideFn Left Lung))
Medicine.kif 2894-2894 LeftLungBodySideFn and subclass
(subclass LeftShoulder
    (BodySideFn Left Shoulder))
Medicine.kif 2870-2870 LeftShoulderBodySideFn and subclass
(subclass LeftThigh
        (BodySideFn Left ThighMuscle)))
Medicine.kif 2930-2930 LeftThighBodyAreaFn BodySideFn and ThighMusclesubclass
(subclass RightArm
    (BodySideFn Right Arm))
Medicine.kif 2861-2861 RightArmBodySideFn and subclass
(subclass RightEar
    (BodySideFn Right Ear))
Medicine.kif 2879-2879 RightEarBodySideFn and subclass
(subclass RightElbow
    (BodySideFn Right Elbow))
Medicine.kif 2867-2867 RightElbowBodySideFn and 手肘subclass
(subclass RightElbow
    (BodySideFn Right Shoulder))
Medicine.kif 2873-2873 RightElbowBodySideFn and subclass
(subclass RightEye
    (BodySideFn Right Eye))
Medicine.kif 2885-2885 RightEyeBodySideFn and 眼睛subclass
(subclass RightFoot
    (BodySideFn Right Foot))
Medicine.kif 2927-2927 RightFootBodySideFn and subclass
(subclass RightHand
    (BodySideFn Right Hand))
Medicine.kif 2891-2891 RightHandBodySideFn and subclass
(subclass RightHip
    (BodySideFn Right Hip))
Medicine.kif 2921-2921 RightHipBodySideFn and Hipsubclass
(subclass RightKidney
    (BodySideFn Right Kidney))
Medicine.kif 2903-2903 RightKidneyBodySideFn and subclass
(subclass RightKnee
    (BodySideFn Right Knee))
Medicine.kif 2915-2915 RightKneeBodySideFn and 膝盖subclass
(subclass RightLeg
    (BodySideFn Right Leg))
Medicine.kif 2909-2909 RightLegBodySideFn and subclass
(subclass RightLung
    (BodySideFn Right Lung))
Medicine.kif 2897-2897 RightLungBodySideFn and subclass

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