appearance as argument number 1 |
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. | Merge.kif 17083-17083 | North e' &o oposto de South |
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. | chinese_format.kif 3804-3804 | |
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. | Merge.kif 17084-17084 | |
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. | pictureList.kif 1870-1870 | |
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. | Merge.kif 17082-17082 | North e' uma instancia de Atributo Directional |
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. | Mid-level-ontology.kif 18160-18160 | oppositeDirection North and South |
appearance as argument number 2 |
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. | domainEnglishFormat.kif 40949-40949 | |
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. | domainEnglishFormat.kif 40948-40948 | |
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. | domainEnglishFormat.kif 40947-40947 |
appearance as argument number 3 |
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. | Geography.kif 289-289 | CaribbeanRegion e' North em relacao a SouthAmerica |
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. | Geography.kif 275-275 | Europe e' North em relacao a Africa |
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. | Geography.kif 287-287 | MiddleAmerica e' North em relacao a SouthAmerica |
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. | Geography.kif 278-278 | NorthAmerica e' North em relacao a SouthAmerica |
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. | Geography.kif 6951-6951 | Scotland e' North em relacao a England |
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. | Geography.kif 6964-6964 | Scotland e' North em relacao a Wales |
antecedent |
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. | Merge.kif 17089-17091 | Objeto e' North em relacao a Objeto Objeto e' South em relacao a Objeto |
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. | Geography.kif 433-440 |
consequent |