Parents |
wearable item |
WearableItem is the subclass of Artifacts that are made to be worn on the body.
Children |
apron | An item of Clothing that protects the front and middle part of the body while one is Cooking or doing other work. |
| belt | A piece of Clothing that is worn around the waist to restrain another piece of clothing. |
| cloak | A piece of Clothing that covers the whole body except the face (and possibly entire head), hands, and feet. |
| collar | A piece of Clothing that fits around the Neck. A Collar is always part of a Coat or a Shirt. |
| dress | An item of Clothing which covers the lower body of a Woman. |
| glove | Clothing that is intended to be worn on the Hand. Note that this class covers both gloves which have individual compartments for each of the Fingers and mittens. |
| hat | A type of Clothing that is worn on the Head. Note that this class covers caps, bonnets, berets, etc. |
| mask | Clothing for Covering the Face. This can be for disguise or decoration, to meet legal requirements, or for protection against airborne contaminents. |
| oqal | A black headband worn by Saudi Arabia and Gulf state Arabs to hold other pieces of head cover in place. |
| outdoor clothing | Clothing that is intended to be worn outdoors. |
| pajamas | Pajamas are loose-fitting Clothing worn for &Sleeping or StayingStill (lounging). There are a body top and a bottom. The bottom is usualy in the form of trousers. |
| safety vest | Clothing designed to increas the visibility of the wearer and so protect him from Injuring |
| shirt | An item of Clothing which covers the upper body of a Human. |
| shoe | Clothing that is intended to be worn on the Foot. It consists of an upper, a sole, and a heel. |
| sleeve | A piece of Clothing that covers the Arm. A Sleeve is always part of a Coat or a Shirt. |
| sock | A piece of Clothing that is made of a soft Fabric like Cotton and that is intended to be worn on the Foot. |
| tie clothing | Clothing that is intended to be worn around the Neck and knotted at the front. |
| trousers | A piece of Clothing that covers each Leg of a person separately. |
| uniform | UniformClothing is a type of clothing with a distinctive design worn by members of a particular group as a means of identification |
| veil | A piece of Clothing intended to cover or obscure the face or hair of a Woman. This is commonly worn for religious reasons when in public in Muslim countries, but is also customary at Weddings and Funerals among some non-Muslim women. |