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CerealGrass are Grass whose starchy Grains are used as food.
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CommonWheatGrass | CommonWheatGrass, (Triticum.aestivum), also known as bread wheat, is a cultivated wheat species. Itis an allohexaploid – a combination of six sets of chromosomes from different species. Of the six sets of chromosomes, four come from emmer (Triticum turgidum, itself a tetraploid) and two from Aegilops tauschii (a wild diploid goatgrass). [wikiepedia] |
| DurumWheatGrass | Durum wheat also called pasta wheat or macaroni wheat (Triticum durum or Triticum turgidum subsp. durum), is a tetraploid species of wheat, having four sets of chromosomes. Durum wheat originated through intergeneric hybridization and polyploidization involving two diploid grass species: T. urartu and a Aegilops speltoides.[wikipedia] |
| EinkornWheatGrass | Einkorn wheat can refer either to a wild species of wheat (Triticum) or to its domesticated form. The wild form is T. boeoticum, and the domesticated form is T. monococcum.Einkorn is a diploid species (2 sets of chromosomes) of hulled wheat, with tough glumes ('husks') that tightly enclose the grains.[wikipedia] |
| EmmerWheatGrass | Emmer wheat or hulled wheat is a type of awned wheat. Emmer is a tetraploid (4 sets of chromosomes). This tetraploid wheat is formed by the hybridization of two diploid wild grasses (2 sets of chromomsomes), Triticum urartu, closely related to wild einkorn (T. boeoticum), and an as yet unidentified Aegilops species related to A. searsii or A. speltoides. [wikipedia] |
| SpeltWheatGrass | SpeltWheatGrass, (Triticum.spelta) , also known as dinkel wheat or hulled wheat. Like common wheat, it is a hexaploid wheat, which means it has six sets of chromosomes.[wikiepedia] |
| TriticumUrartu | riticum urartu, also known as red wild einkorn wheat,[2] and a form of einkorn wheat, is a grass species related to wheat, and native to western Asia. It is a diploid (2 sets of chromosome. [wikipedia] |