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Sigma KEE - USMilitaryRankWO1
Parents 士兵 This Attribute describes someone serving in the armed forces of a Nation.
Instances抽象体这些特质或质量,和任何以物理媒介化身的特质/质量不同。抽象 的实例在意义上,可以说是像数学物体如集合和关系般存在,但是它们不能没有任何物理编码或化身便存在于特定的时间 和地点。
 属性这是我们不能够或选择不去具体化为 Object 的子类别的 质量。
 委任军官级别In military organizations, an officer is a member of the service who holds a position of responsibility. Commissioned officers derive authority directly from a sovereign power and, as such, hold a commission charging them with the duties and responsibilities of a specific office or position. Commissioned officers are typically the only persons in a military able to exercise command (according to the most technical definition of the word) over a military unit. Non-commissioned officers in positions of authority can be said to have control or charge rather than command per se, although the use of the word command to describe any use of authority is widespread and often official. (from Wikipedia)
 实体The universal class of individuals. This is the root node of the ontology.
 政府立场Any Profession where the position occupied is within a GovernmentOrganization.
 军衔The class of Positions in a Military. Rank is usually commensurate with degrees of power, prestige and pay.
 职业角色RelationalAttribute ascribing to a CognitiveAgent a relation towards some activity or a set of activities he or she performs during a TimeInterval as his or her main activity. Be it for a longer period of time as a means of earning a living, a leisure activity or an activity the person is engaged in for a short period of time.
 职业Any occupation that requires at least a bachelor's degree.
 关联属性这是 EntityAttribute,属于任何来自 它和另一个 Entity 或 一组 Entity 之间的关系. 如: SocialRolePositionalAttribute
 熟练的职业Any Position which requires learning a set of skills.
 身分这是所有表示一个 CognitiveAgent 在一个 Organization 或是其他 Group 的身份或地位 AttributeClass
 美国军衔The class of Positions in the USMilitary.
 美国准尉军衔In the United States military, a warrant officer was originally, and strictly, a highly skilled, single-track specialty officer. But as many chief warrant officers assume positions as officer in charge or department head, along with the high number of bachelor's and master's degrees held within the community, their contribution and expertise as a community is ever-increasing. There are no 'warrant officers' per se in the U.S. Navy, but rather the term 'chief warrant officer' is correct. In the U.S. Navy, a sailor must be in one of the top three enlisted ranks to be eligible to become a Chief Warrant Officer. In the U.S. Army, a person can progress to the warrant officer rank at a grade lower than E-7 thus having a longer career and greater opportunity to serve and grow. In the U.S. Marine Corps, after serving at least eight years of enlisted service, and reaching the grade of E-5 (sergeant), an enlisted Marine can apply for the Warrant Officer program. Upon the initial appointment to WO1 a warrant is given by the secretary of the service, and upon promotion to chief warrant officer (CW2 and above) they are commissioned by the President of the United States, take the same oath and receive the same commission and charges as commissioned officers, thus deriving their authority from the same source.
Belongs to Class 职业角色

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