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Sigma KEE - TernaryRelation

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation TernaryRelation ChineseLanguage "TernaryRelation 连接三个项目, TernaryRelation 的两个 subclassTernaryPredicateBinaryFunction。") chinese_format.kif 1946-1947
(documentation TernaryRelation EnglishLanguage "TernaryRelations relate three items. The two subclasses of TernaryRelation are TernaryPredicate and BinaryFunction.") Merge.kif 2858-2860
(documentation TernaryRelation JapaneseLanguage "TernaryRelations は 3つの項目に関連する。 2つの TernaryRelation の subclassTernaryPredicateBinaryFunction である。") japanese_format.kif 576-577
(subclass TernaryRelation InheritableRelation) Merge.kif 2856-2856 TernaryRelation ist eine teilkategorie von InheritableRelation
(subclass TernaryRelation Relation) Merge.kif 2855-2855 TernaryRelation ist eine teilkategorie von Relation

appearance as argument number 2

(instance askPrice TernaryRelation) FinancialOntology.kif 1925-1925 askPrice ist ein fall von TernaryRelation %n{nicht}
(instance releaseForSale TernaryRelation) Music.kif 1493-1493 releaseForSale ist ein fall von TernaryRelation %n{nicht}
(instance securityQA TernaryRelation) ComputingBrands.kif 4549-4549 securityQA ist ein fall von TernaryRelation %n{nicht}
(instance taxDeferredIncome TernaryRelation) FinancialOntology.kif 3304-3304 taxDeferredIncome ist ein fall von TernaryRelation %n{nicht}
(subclass BinaryFunction TernaryRelation) Merge.kif 3400-3400 BinaryFunction ist eine teilkategorie von TernaryRelation
(subclass TernaryPredicate TernaryRelation) Merge.kif 3491-3491 TernaryPredicate ist eine teilkategorie von TernaryRelation
(termFormat ChineseLanguage TernaryRelation "三元关系") chinese_format.kif 910-910
(termFormat EnglishLanguage TernaryRelation "ternary relation") english_format.kif 1027-1027
(termFormat FrenchLanguage TernaryRelation "relation ternaire") french_format.kif 586-586
(termFormat Hindi TernaryRelation "tri-angI sambandha") terms-hindi.txt 116-116
(termFormat ItalianLanguage TernaryRelation "RelazioneTernaria") terms-it.txt 119-119
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage TernaryRelation "三進法関係") japanese_format.kif 2271-2271
(termFormat PortugueseLanguage TernaryRelation "Relacao Ternaria") portuguese_format.kif 538-538
(termFormat cz TernaryRelation "ternary relation") terms-cz.txt 153-153
(termFormat ro TernaryRelation "relaþie ternarã") relations-ro.kif 607-607
(termFormat tg TernaryRelation "tatlong magkaugnay") terms-tg.txt 120-120

appearance as argument number 3

(disjointDecomposition Relation BinaryRelation TernaryRelation QuaternaryRelation QuintaryRelation VariableArityRelation) Merge.kif 2160-2161 Relation wird zusammenhanglos auf BinaryRelation, TernaryRelation, QuaternaryRelation, QuintaryRelation, und VariableArityRelation disjunkt

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