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Sigma KEE - TarifitLanguage

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(documentation TarifitLanguage EnglishLanguage "The TarifitLanguage is a RiffLanguage of Morocco. SIL code: RIF. ISO 639-2: ber. Population: 1,500,000 in Morocco (1991). Population total all countries 2,000,000 (1991). Region: Northern Morocco. The dialects listed are near Al Hoceima. Also spoken in Algeria, France, Netherlands. Alternate names: RIFI, RIFIA, NORTHERN SHILHA, SHILHA. Dialects URRIGHEL, BENI IZNASSEN. Comments: The chief differences among dialects are phonological. There may be other dialects. Coon (1939) said Senhaja de Srair is a separate language. 'Rifia' is the Arabic name for their language, 'Rifi' (sg.) or 'Ruafa' (pl.) are names for the people, 'Rif' or 'Riff' geographical names. Muslim. Bible portions 1887-1890. Also spoken in: Algeria. (Language name: TARIFIT.) Alternate names: TIRIFIE, RIFF, RIFI, RUAFA, FIFIA, RIF, NORTHERN SHILHA, SHILHA. Dialects ARZEU, IGZENNAIAN, IZNACEN (BENI IZNASSEN). Comments: Muslim. Bible portions 1887-1890.(extract from http:/ / )") Languages.kif 4885-4897
(instance TarifitLanguage RiffLanguage) Languages.kif 4884-4884 TarifitLanguage ist ein fall von RiffLanguage %n{nicht}

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat ChineseLanguage TarifitLanguage "tarifit语言") domainEnglishFormat.kif 56979-56979
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage TarifitLanguage "tarifit語言") domainEnglishFormat.kif 56978-56978
(termFormat EnglishLanguage TarifitLanguage "tarifit language") domainEnglishFormat.kif 56977-56977

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