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Sigma KEE - PhysicalAttribute

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation PhysicalAttribute ChineseLanguage "这是来自物体的物理特质的 InternalAttribute 。") chinese_format.kif 1723-1724
(documentation PhysicalAttribute EnglishLanguage "An InternalAttribute given by physical properties of the object.") Merge.kif 1812-1813
(documentation PhysicalAttribute JapaneseLanguage "オブジェクトの物理プロパティによって与えら れる InternalAttribute 。") japanese_format.kif 330-331
(subclass PhysicalAttribute InternalAttribute) Merge.kif 1810-1810 PhysicalAttribute e' uma sub-classe de Atributo Interno

appearance as argument number 2

(instance Compliance PhysicalAttribute) engineering.kif 696-696 Compliance e' uma instancia de PhysicalAttribute
(instance Conductivity PhysicalAttribute) engineering.kif 674-674 Conductivity e' uma instancia de PhysicalAttribute
(instance Flammable PhysicalAttribute) Merge.kif 12607-12607 Flammable e' uma instancia de PhysicalAttribute
(instance Inductance PhysicalAttribute) engineering.kif 684-684 Inductance e' uma instancia de PhysicalAttribute
(instance MutualInductance PhysicalAttribute) engineering.kif 689-689 MutualInductance e' uma instancia de PhysicalAttribute
(instance Resistivity PhysicalAttribute) engineering.kif 680-680 Resistivity e' uma instancia de PhysicalAttribute
(instance Stiffness PhysicalAttribute) engineering.kif 693-693 Stiffness e' uma instancia de PhysicalAttribute
(termFormat ChineseLanguage PhysicalAttribute "物理属性") domainEnglishFormat.kif 45720-45720
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage PhysicalAttribute "物理屬性") domainEnglishFormat.kif 45719-45719
(termFormat EnglishLanguage PhysicalAttribute "physical attribute") domainEnglishFormat.kif 45718-45718

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