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Sigma KEE - VenetianLanguage

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(documentation VenetianLanguage EnglishLanguage "The VenetianLanguage is a GalloItalianLanguage of Italy. SIL code: VEC. ISO 639-2: roa. Population: 2,109,502 in Italy (1976). Population: total all countries 2,210,000. Region: Northern Italy, city of Venice, area of the Tre Venezie, Venezia Euganea westward to Verona, southward to the Po, and eastward to the border of the Fruili, Venezia Tridentina, in the Adige valley and neighboring mountain regions to the north of Trent, and Venezia Giulia, east of the Friuli, and including Trieste. Bisiacco is spoken in Gorizia Province. Also spoken in Croatia, Slovenia. Alternate names: VENETO. Dialects: ISTRIAN, TRIESTINO, VENETIAN PROPER, BISIACCO. Comments: Very different from Standard Italian. Bilingualism in Italian. Vigorous. Not endangered. Investigation needed: bilingual proficiency in Italian, attitudes. Bible portions 1859. Also spoken in: Croatia. (Language name: VENETIAN.) Population: 100,000 in Croatia and Slovenia (1994 Tapani Salminen). See also Italian in Croatia. Dialects: ISTRIAN, TRETINE, VENETIAN PROPER. Comments: Very different from Standard Italian. Vigorous. Investigation needed: bilingual proficiency, attitudes. Bible portions 1859.(extract from http:/ / )") Languages.kif 9720-9736
(externalImage VenetianLanguage " c/ c4/ Targa_dialetto_veneto.JPG") pictureList.kif 6958-6958
(externalImage VenetianLanguage " c/ c7/ Venetian_Sign.jpg") pictureList.kif 8216-8216
(instance VenetianLanguage GalloItalianLanguage) Languages.kif 9719-9719 VenetianLanguage e' uma instancia de GalloItalianLanguage

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat ChineseLanguage VenetianLanguage "威尼斯语") domainEnglishFormat.kif 61486-61486
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage VenetianLanguage "威尼斯語") domainEnglishFormat.kif 61485-61485
(termFormat EnglishLanguage VenetianLanguage "venetian language") domainEnglishFormat.kif 61484-61484

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