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Sigma KEE - TransportationService

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation TransportationService EnglishLanguage "TransportationService refers to how an agent that possesses some kind of vehicle transports people around") Transportation.kif 3517-3518
(subclass TransportationService ServiceProcess) Transportation.kif 3516-3516 TransportationService e' uma sub-classe de ServiceProcess

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass AirTransportationService TransportationService) Transportation.kif 3535-3535 AirTransportationService e' uma sub-classe de TransportationService
(subclass LandTransportationService TransportationService) Transportation.kif 3549-3549 LandTransportationService e' uma sub-classe de TransportationService
(subclass ShuttleService TransportationService) Hotel.kif 2029-2029 ShuttleService e' uma sub-classe de TransportationService
(subclass WaterTransportationService TransportationService) Transportation.kif 3562-3562 WaterTransportationService e' uma sub-classe de TransportationService
(termFormat EnglishLanguage TransportationService "transportation service") Transportation.kif 3519-3519


    (instance ?SVC TransportationService)
    (exists (?VEHICLE ?AGENT ?TRANS ?CUST)
            (agent ?SVC ?AGENT)
            (possesses ?AGENT ?VEHICLE)
            (customer ?CUST ?AGENT)
            (instance ?VEHICLE Vehicle)
            (instance ?TRANS Transportation)
            (agent ?TRANS ?AGENT)
            (patient ?TRANS ?CUST)
            (instrument ?TRANS ?VEHICLE)
            (subProcess ?TRANS ?SVC))))
Transportation.kif 3521-3533


    (providesDestination ?TC ?REG)
        (exists (?SVC)
                (instance ?SVC TransportationService)
                (serviceProvider ?SVC ?TC)
                (destination ?SVC ?REG))) Possibility))
Transportation.kif 3582-3589

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