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Sigma KEE - NewZealandSignLanguage

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(documentation NewZealandSignLanguage EnglishLanguage "NewZealandSignLanguage is a DeafSignLanguage of NewZealand. SIL code: NZS. ISO 639-2: sgn. Population: No estimate available. Comments: The first school for the deaf was established in 1878. Sign language used since the 1800s. It developed informally among deaf people because the oralist method only was used in schools. It has some features in common with British sign languages and some from other countries. Some signed interpretation used in court and at important public events. There is a committee on national sign language. There is a manual system for spelling. Investigation needed: intelligibility with British Sign Language, Australian Sign Languages. Dictionary. Grammar. TV.(extract from http:/ / )") Languages.kif 927-936
(externalImage NewZealandSignLanguage " commons/ 5/ 54/ Bimanual_alphabet.jpg") pictureList.kif 10146-10146
(instance NewZealandSignLanguage DeafSignLanguage) Languages.kif 926-926 NewZealandSignLanguage e' uma instancia de DeafSignLanguage

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat ChineseLanguage NewZealandSignLanguage "新西兰手语") domainEnglishFormat.kif 40433-40433
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage NewZealandSignLanguage "新西蘭手語") domainEnglishFormat.kif 40432-40432
(termFormat EnglishLanguage NewZealandSignLanguage "new zealand sign language") domainEnglishFormat.kif 40431-40431

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