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Sigma KEE - ToskAlbanianLanguage

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(documentation ToskAlbanianLanguage EnglishLanguage "The ToskAlbanianLanguage is a ToskGroupAlbanianLanguage of Albania. SIL code: ALN. ISO 639-1: sq. ISO 639-2(B): alb. ISO 639-2(T): sqi. Population: 2,900,000 in Albania (1989). 3,202,000 in Albania including Gheg (1989), 98% of the population (1989). Population total all countries 3,000,000 for Tosk, 5,000,000 for all Albanian (L. Newmark and WA 1999). Region: Mainly south Albania to the Shkumbi River. Also spoken in Belgium, Canada, Egypt, Germany, Sweden, Turkey (Europe), Ukraine, USA. Alternate names: TOSK, ARNAUT, SHKIP, SHQIP, SKCHIP, SHQIPERE, ZHGABE. Dialects: ARBANASI (ZADAR), SREM (SYRMIA), CAMERIJA, KORCA. Comments: Reported to be inherently unintelligible with Gheg Albanian and partially intelligible with Arvanitika Albanian of Greece. Not intelligible with Arbereshe of Italy. Tosk has been the basis of the official language for Standard Albanian since 1952. It is used in schools. The Jevgjit claim to be Egyptians, but may be assimilated Roma. National language. Grammar. SVO. Deciduous forest. Coastal, mountain slope. Peasant agriculturalists, animal husbandry: sheep, petroleum workers. Sea level to 800 meters. Muslim, Christian (Orthodox). Bible 1993. Also spoken in: Turkey (Europe). (Language name: ALBANIAN, TOSK.) Population: 15,000 first language speakers (1980), out of 65,000 in Turkey (1993 Johnstone), 1,075 monolinguals (1965 census). Comments: 96% of speakers can use Turkish as second language. Sunni Muslim. Bible 1993.(extract from http:/ / )") Languages.kif 6792-6812
(instance ToskAlbanianLanguage ToskGroupAlbanianLanguage) Languages.kif 6791-6791 ToskAlbanianLanguage e' uma instancia de ToskGroupAlbanianLanguage

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(termFormat ChineseLanguage ToskAlbanianLanguage "托斯克阿尔巴尼亚语") domainEnglishFormat.kif 58516-58516
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage ToskAlbanianLanguage "托斯克阿爾巴尼亞語") domainEnglishFormat.kif 58515-58515
(termFormat EnglishLanguage ToskAlbanianLanguage "tosk albanian language") domainEnglishFormat.kif 58514-58514

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