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Sigma KEE - Teladoc

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(documentation Teladoc EnglishLanguage "Teladoc Health, Inc. is a multinational telemedicine and virtual healthcare company based in the United States. Primary services include telehealth, medical opinions, AI and analytics, telehealth devices and licensable platform services. In particular, Teladoc Health uses telephone and videoconferencing software as well as mobile apps to provide on-demand remote medical care. Billed as the first and largest telemedicine company in the United States, Teladoc Health was launched in 2002 and has acquired companies such as BetterHelp in 2015, Best Doctors in 2017, and Advance Medical in 2018. It trades on the NYSE and in 2019 was active in 130 countries and served around 40 million members in 2021.[from Wikipedia]") Medicine.kif 4310-4321
(instance Teladoc Corporation) Medicine.kif 4309-4309 Teladoc法人instance では %n

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat EnglishLanguage Teladoc "Teladoc") Medicine.kif 4322-4322

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