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Sigma KEE - HardDisk

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation HardDisk EnglishLanguage "A type of ComputerDisk that is hard, rather than floppy. The 3 1/ 2'' floppy disk is considered a type of Floppy disk even though it is hard. Hard disks can be internal to the computer, internal to an external drive, or removable.") ComputerInput.kif 666-668
(subclass HardDisk ComputerDisk) ComputerInput.kif 665-665 HardDiskComputerDisksubclass では %n

appearance as argument number 2

(disjoint FloppyDisk HardDisk) ComputerInput.kif 696-696 FloppyDiskHardDiskdisjoint では %n
(subclass CartridgeHardDisk HardDisk) ComputerInput.kif 688-688 CartridgeHardDiskHardDisksubclass では %n
(subclass InternalHardDisk HardDisk) ComputerInput.kif 670-670 InternalHardDiskHardDisksubclass では %n
(termFormat EnglishLanguage HardDisk "hard disk") domainEnglishFormat.kif 64967-64967

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