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Sigma KEE - ExpeditionaryForce

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation ExpeditionaryForce EnglishLanguage "A MilitaryUnit that has the purpose of rapid deployment for fighting in enemy territory, without further logistical support. The UnitedStates MarinesBranchOfService, NavyBranchOfService and AirForceBranchOfService all have expeditionary units.") MilitaryPersons.kif 707-709
(instance ExpeditionaryForce RelationalAttribute) MilitaryPersons.kif 706-706 ExpeditionaryForce関係属性instance では %n

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat EnglishLanguage ExpeditionaryForce "expeditionary force") MilitaryPersons.kif 710-710


    (attribute ?U ExpeditionaryForce)
    (hasPurpose ?U
        (exists (?B ?C ?FC)
                (subOrganization ?U
                    (GovernmentFn ?C))
                (instance ?B Battle)
                (agent ?B ?U)
                (instance ?FC Nation)
                (located ?B ?FC)
                    (equal ?C ?FC))))))
MilitaryPersons.kif 712-724

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