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Sigma KEE - GeographicArea

A geographic location, generally having definite boundaries. Note that this differs from its immediate superclass Region in that a GeographicArea is a three-dimensional Region of the earth. Accordingly, all astronomical objects other than earth and all one-dimensional and two-dimensional Regions are not classed under GeographicArea.
Parents 地域 A topographic location. Regions encompass surfaces of Objects, imaginary places, and GeographicAreas. Note that a Region is the only kind of Object which can be located at itself. Note too that Region is not a subclass of SelfConnectedObject, because some Regions, e.g. archipelagos, have parts which are not connected with one another.
Children ArchipelagicAreaAn ArchipelagicArea is a GeographicArea including an Archipelago and the surrounding WaterArea.
 BusStopAn area, often, though not necessarily with seats or some kind of minimal shelter, where people gather to meet and board a bus. It must border a road.
 CaveA Cave is a naturally formed opening beneath the surface of the Earth, generally formed by dissolution of carbonate bedrock. Caves may also form by erosion of coastal bedrock, partial melting of glaciers, or solidification of lava into hollow tubes.
 CheckpointAn area on or very near a border, usually along a road connecting two regions, where MilitaryPersons or PoliceOfficers restrict the flow of traffic in order to extract tarrifs, deny movement to certain kinds of people or goods, or other enforement actions. Because of the power relationship involved, such areas are often the site of Illegal activities conducted by the officials in order to extract favors or bribes.
 EcosystemEcosystem is a subclass of GeographicAreas considered together with their organisms and environment as a functioning whole.
 GeologicalFaultGeologicalFault is the subclass of GeographicAreas in which there is a fracture in the Earth's crust and differential movement can occur on the two sides of the fault. Such movement results in EarthTremors and is the cause of Earthquakes.
 地政学的地域Any GeographicArea which is associated with some sort of political structure. This class includes LandArea, Cities, districts of cities, counties, etc. Note that the identity of a GeopoliticalArea may remain constant after a change in borders.
 HemisphereHemisphere is the class of GeographicAreas that are halves of the Earth, as traditionally divided into the Northern and Southern Hemispheres along the equator and into the Eastern and Western Hemispheres along a north-south line running 20�W and 160�E.
 InternationalBorderInternationalBorder is the subclass of GeographicAreas where the areas of two Nations meet.
 LakeRegionA LakeRegion is a GeographicArea including land surrounding one or more Lakes.
 土地面積An area which is predominantly solid ground, e.g. a Nation, a mountain, a desert, etc. Note that a LandArea may contain some relatively small WaterAreas. For example, Australia is a LandArea even though it contains various rivers and lakes.
 LandFormA LandForm is the class of geographically and/or geologically distinct areas that occur on Earth's surface, including mountains, hills, plains, valleys, deltas, and features of submerged land areas such as the ocean floor.
 LittoralZoneA LittoralZone is an area along the shore of a large body of water, especially an Ocean or Sea, including the area extending from the high tide mark out to a depth of 200 meters. The littoral zone is of interest for its land features, e.g., slope gradient and soil composition, including features of its SubmergedLandArea.
 MaritimeClaimAreaA MaritimeClaimArea is a GeographicArea delimited by a geopolitical state's claim, under the LawOfTheSea, of rights to certain resources, activities, or jurisdiction in the claimed area. MaritimeClaimAreas can pertain to WaterAreas, SubmergedLandAreas, and Airspace.
 MarketplaceAn area, building, or set of buildings where FinancialTransactions are intended to take place. There should be more than one owner or renter of space or buildings within the marketplace.
 MilitaryFrontA GeographicArea along which opposing military forces confront one another in a Battle.
 NeighborhoodNeighborhood refers to a GeographicArea that is a subregion of a larger geographic area, such as a City, normally with a distinctive feature
 ParkingLotA ParkingLot is a GeographicArea that contains greaterThan one [1] ParkingRegion
 SubmergedLandAreaSubmergedLandArea is the class of land regions that are located beneath bodies of water.
 SurfaceGroundAreaSurfaceGroundArea is a subclass of GeographicArea that is restricted to regions whose surface is solid ground. A SurfaceGroundArea may be a discontinuous region overlapping a larger, continuous GeographicArea but excluding any WaterAreas enclosed therein. Rivers, lakes, reservoirs and other surface water areas are not part of any SurfaceGroundArea.
 TouristSiteA tourist site is a location that has some feature of interest to Tourists, which entertains or informs them.
 UndergroundAreaThe class of regions located Below the surface of the earth.
 水域A body which is made up predominantly of water, e.g. rivers, lakes, oceans, etc.
 WaterOnlyAreaWaterOnlyArea is a subclass of GeographicArea that is restricted to regions whose surface is water. A WaterOnlyArea may be a discontinuous region overlapping a larger, continuous GeographicArea but excluding any LandAreas enclosed therein. Dry land areas, including islands, are not part of any WaterOnlyArea.

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