Parents |
SoftwareAttribute |
The class of all attributes that are specific to SoftwareSystems.
Children |
ContinuousPath | The attribute which denotes that the path type is continuous, as opposed to transient or quasicontinuous paths. A continuous path handles a stream of data arriving at a comment of rate. |
| DeterministicDataStream | The attribute which denotes that the data stream is conceived as a stream of one datum after another, and each datum or identifiable group of data is separated by a constant of time. |
| DynamicDataStream | The attribute which denotes that the path data stream type is dynamic, i.e. the time changes but the data stream follows a pattern. |
| QuasicontinuousPath | An attribute which applies to computer paths which handle random events, which initiate a bounded stream of data arriving at a comment of rate, which the path must process. |
| Scalable | The attribute which denotes that the path is scalable, i.e. the applications in the path can be replicated to meet realtime QoS requirements. |
| StochasticDataStream | The attribute which denotes that the time between data or groups of data changes according to no discernible pattern. |
| TransientPath | An attribute which applies to computer paths which handle random events. |