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Sigma KEE - greaterThan

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation greaterThan ChineseLanguage "(greaterThan ?NUMBER1 ?NUMBER2) 是真的以防 ?NUMBER1 的 Quantity 比 ?NUMBER2 的 Quantity 要大。") chinese_format.kif 1731-1732
(documentation greaterThan EnglishLanguage "(greaterThan ?NUMBER1 ?NUMBER2) is true just in case the Quantity ?NUMBER1 is greater than the Quantity ?NUMBER2.") Merge.kif 1852-1854
(documentation greaterThan JapaneseLanguage "(greaterThan ?NUMBER1 ?NUMBER2) は、Quantity ?NUMBER1 が Quantity ?NUMBER2よりも大きい場合に当てはまる。") japanese_format.kif 339-340
(domain greaterThan 1 RealNumber) Merge.kif 1848-1848 greaterThan の数値 1 引数は 実数instance では %n
(domain greaterThan 2 RealNumber) Merge.kif 1849-1849 greaterThan の数値 2 引数は 実数instance では %n
(instance greaterThan BinaryPredicate) Merge.kif 1842-1842 greaterThan2進述語instance では %n
(instance greaterThan IrreflexiveRelation) Merge.kif 1845-1845 greaterThan非反射関係instance では %n
(instance greaterThan RelationExtendedToQuantities) Merge.kif 1846-1846 greaterThan数量に拡張された関係instance では %n
(instance greaterThan TotalValuedRelation) Merge.kif 1843-1843 greaterThan合計値関係instance では %n
(instance greaterThan TransitiveRelation) Merge.kif 1844-1844 greaterThan推移関係instance では %n
(inverse greaterThan lessThan) Merge.kif 1850-1850 greaterThanlessThaninverse では %n
(trichotomizingOn greaterThan RealNumber) Merge.kif 1847-1847 greaterThan実数 で trichotomizing されて %n

appearance as argument number 2

(comparativeArea SouthernOcean greaterThan 2.0 UnitedStates) Geography.kif 4676-4676 comparativeArea SouthernOcean, greaterThan, 2.0 and UnitedStates
(format ChineseLanguage greaterThan "%1 %n 是 greaterThan %2") chinese_format.kif 111-111
(format EnglishLanguage greaterThan "%1 is %n greater than %2") english_format.kif 111-111
(format FrenchLanguage greaterThan "%1 est %n plus grand que %2") french_format.kif 77-77
(format ItalianLanguage greaterThan "%1 è %n più grande di %2") relations-it.txt 121-121
(format JapaneseLanguage greaterThan "%1 は %2 より greater では %n") japanese_format.kif 1904-1904
(format PortugueseLanguage greaterThan "%1 e' %n maior que %2") portuguese_format.kif 29-29
(format cz greaterThan "%1 %p{je} %n{nen�} v�t�� ne� %2") relations-cz.txt 77-77
(format de greaterThan "%1 ist groesserAls %2 %n{nicht}") relations-de.txt 127-127
(format hi greaterThan "%1 %2 se badaa %n hai") relations-hindi.txt 161-161
(format ro greaterThan "%1 %n{nu} este greater%t{mai mare} decât %2") relations-ro.kif 96-96
(format sv greaterThan "%1 är %n{inte} större än %2") relations-sv.txt 76-76
(format tg greaterThan "%1 %n ay mas malaki sa %2") relations-tg.txt 248-248
(termFormat ChineseLanguage greaterThan "大于") chinese_format.kif 112-112
(termFormat ChineseLanguage greaterThan "比较多") domainEnglishFormat.kif 26532-26532
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage greaterThan "比較多") domainEnglishFormat.kif 26531-26531
(termFormat EnglishLanguage greaterThan "greater than") domainEnglishFormat.kif 26530-26530
(termFormat de greaterThan "groesserAls") terms-de.txt 37-37
(termFormat tg greaterThan "mas malaki sa") relations-tg.txt 249-249


        (instance ?Account PersonalAccount)
                (KappaFn ?Agent
                    (accountHolder ?Account ?Agent))) 1))
    (instance ?Account JointAccount))
FinancialOntology.kif 1007-1011 エンティティーPersonalAccountinstance では %n エンティティー classinstances の数 は 1 より greater では %n エンティティーJointAccountinstance では %n
        (instance ?PM ParticulateMatter)
        (part ?P ?PM)
        (approximateDiameter ?P
            (MeasureFn ?S Micrometer))
        (greaterThan 10.0 ?S)
        (greaterThan ?S 2.5))
    (exists (?PM10)
            (instance ?PM10 CoarseParticulateMatter)
            (part ?PM10 ?PM))))
Geography.kif 7440-7451 オブジェクトParticulateMatterinstance では %n 自己接続オブジェクト オブジェクトpart では %n approximateDiameter 自己接続オブジェクト and 実数Micrometer(s) 10.0 は 実数 より greater では %n 実数 は 2.5 より greater では %n オブジェクト10 オブジェクト10 は CoarseParticulateMatterinstance では %n オブジェクト10 は オブジェクトpart では %n
        (breathingRate ?H ?T ?R)
        (instance ?T Minute)
            (exists (?R)
                    (instance ?R RecreationOrExercise)
                    (agent ?R ?H)
                    (during ?T
                        (WhenFn ?R)))))
        (holdsDuring ?T
            (attribute ?H HumanAdult))
            (greaterThan ?R 16)
            (lessThan ?R 12)))
    (holdsDuring ?T
            (attribute ?H Healthy))))
Medicine.kif 367-385
        (climateTypeInArea ?AREA DesertClimateZone)
        (instance ?MO Month)
        (averageTemperatureForPeriod ?AREA ?MO
            (MeasureFn ?TEMP CelsiusDegree))
        (greaterThan ?TEMP 18.0))
    (climateTypeInArea ?AREA SubtropicalDesertClimateZone))
Geography.kif 1370-1377
        (dampingRatio ?P ?R)
        (greaterThan ?R 0)
        (instance ?T Tremor)
        (patient ?T ?P)
        (instance ?U UnitOfLength)
        (holdsDuring ?T1
            (physicalAmplitude ?T
                (MeasureFn ?A1 ?U)))
        (holdsDuring ?T2
            (physicalAmplitude ?T
                (MeasureFn ?A2 ?U)))
        (during ?T1 ?T)
        (during ?T2 ?T)
        (earlier ?T1 ?T2))
    (greaterThan ?A1 ?A2))
Cars.kif 809-825
            (EditionFn ?TEXT ?INT1) ?EDITION1)
            (EditionFn ?TEXT ?INT2) ?EDITION2)
        (greaterThan ?INT2 ?INT1)
        (instance ?PUB1 Publication)
        (instance ?PUB2 Publication)
        (instance ?CBO1 ?EDITION1)
        (instance ?CBO2 ?EDITION2)
        (patient ?PUB1 ?CBO1)
        (patient ?PUB2 ?CBO2)
        (date ?PUB1 ?DATE1)
        (date ?PUB2 ?DATE2))
        (EndFn ?DATE1)
        (EndFn ?DATE2)))
Merge.kif 15537-15554
        (equal ?A
            (AverageFn ?L))
            (ListLengthFn ?L) 0))
    (equal ?A
            (ListSumFn ?L)
            (ListLengthFn ?L))))
Merge.kif 3277-3284
        (equal ?A
            (ListSumFn ?L))
            (ListLengthFn ?L) 1))
    (equal ?A
            (FirstFn ?L)
                (SubListFn 2
                    (ListLengthFn ?L) ?L)))))
Merge.kif 3258-3268
        (equal ?OUT
            (ReverseFn ?IN))
        (equal ?LEN
            (StringLengthFn ?IN))
        (greaterThan ?LEN 1)
        (greaterThan ?N 0)
        (lessThan ?N ?LEN)
        (equal ?PIVOT
                    (SubtractionFn ?LEN 1) 2)))
        (equal ?NEW
                (SubtractionFn ?PIVOT ?N) ?PIVOT))
        (equal ?S
            (SubstringFn ?IN ?N
                (AdditionFn 1 ?N))))
    (equal ?S
        (SubstringFn ?OUT ?NEW
            (AdditionFn 1 ?NEW))))
Media.kif 3068-3089
        (equal ?R
            (SubListFn ?S ?E ?L))
            (SubtractionFn ?E ?S) 1))
    (equal ?R
                (ListOrderFn ?L ?S))
                (AdditionFn 1 ?S) ?E ?L))))
Merge.kif 3190-3202
        (equal ?VA
            (VarianceAverageFn ?M ?L))
            (ListLengthFn ?L) 1))
    (equal ?VA
            (VarianceAverageFn ?M
                (ListOrderFn ?L 1))
            (VarianceAverageFn ?M
                (SubListFn 2
                    (ListLengthFn ?L) ?L)))))
Weather.kif 1449-1461
        (fOCShipsByOrigin ?MM ?HOME ?COUNT)
        (greaterThan ?COUNT 0)
        (marineInventory ?MM ?REGISTER))
    (instance ?REGISTER FlagOfConvenienceRegister))
Transportation.kif 1070-1075
        (governorSpeed ?V ?Q)
            (MeasureFn ?FAST MilesPerHour)
            (SpeedFn ?L1 ?T1))
            (MeasureFn ?SLOW MilesPerHour)
            (SpeedFn ?L2 ?T2))
        (greaterThan ?FAST ?SLOW)
        (equal ?FASTPROB
                (measure ?V
                    (MeasureFn ?FAST MilesPerHour))))
        (equal ?SLOWPROB
                (measure ?V
                    (MeasureFn ?SLOW MilesPerHour)))))
    (greaterThan ?SLOWPROB ?FASTPROB))
Cars.kif 2890-2908
        (instance ?AGENT ?CLASS)
        (lethalDose ?CLASS
            (MeasureFn ?NUMBER ?UNIT))
        (greaterThan ?NUMBER 0.0))
    (instance ?AGENT LifeThreateningAgent))
WMD.kif 1017-1023
        (instance ?AREA GeographicArea)
        (instance ?MO Month)
        (averageTemperatureForPeriod ?AREA ?MO
            (MeasureFn ?TEMP CelsiusDegree))
        (greaterThan 10.0 ?TEMP))
    (climateTypeInArea ?AREA PolarClimateZone))
Geography.kif 1575-1582
        (instance ?AUCTIONING Auctioning)
        (instance ?BIDDER1 AutonomousAgent)
        (instance ?BIDDER2 AutonomousAgent)
        (instance ?ITEM Object)
        (instance ?U UnitOfCurrency)
        (patient ?AUCTIONING ?ITEM)
        (bidPrice ?ITEM
            (MeasureFn ?OFFER1 ?U) ?BIDDER1)
        (bidPrice ?ITEM
            (MeasureFn ?OFFER2 ?U) ?BIDDER2)
        (greaterThan ?OFFER1 ?OFFER2))
    (destination ?AUCTIONING ?BIDDER1))
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 354-365
        (instance ?D1
            (DayFn ?N1
                (MonthFn ?M
                    (YearFn ?Y))))
        (instance ?D2
            (DayFn ?N2
                (MonthFn ?M
                    (YearFn ?Y))))
        (equal ?T1
            (BeginFn ?D1))
        (equal ?T2
            (BeginFn ?D2))
        (greaterThan ?N2 ?N1))
    (before ?T1 ?T2))
Merge.kif 8744-8751
        (instance ?D1
            (DayFn ?N1
                (MonthFn ?M
                    (YearFn ?Y))))
        (instance ?D2
            (DayFn ?N2
                (MonthFn ?M
                    (YearFn ?Y))))
        (greaterThan ?N2 ?N1))
    (earlier ?D1 ?D2))
Merge.kif 8753-8758
        (instance ?H Human)
        (holdsDuring ?T1
            (age ?H
                (MeasureFn ?N YearDuration)))
        (greaterThan ?N 12)
        (lessThan ?N 20))
    (holdsDuring ?T1
        (instance ?H Teenager)))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 342-348
        (instance ?HARBOR Harbor)
        (equipmentCount ?HARBOR ShipBerth ?NUM)
        (greaterThan ?NUM 0))
    (capability ShipBerthing path ?HARBOR))
Transportation.kif 2942-2947
        (instance ?MT MusicalTone)
        (soundFrequency ?MT
            (MeasureFn ?FREQ Hertz))
        (loudness ?MT
            (MeasureFn ?LLB Decibel))
        (located ?MT
            (WhereFn ?H
                    (WhenFn ?MT))))
        (greaterThan ?LLIMIT ?LLB)
        (greaterThan ?LLB ?ULIMIT)
        (greaterThan ?FREQ 250)
        (greaterThan 8000 ?FREQ)
        (instance ?H Human)
        (instance ?L Listening)
        (agent ?L ?H))
    (hearingAcuity ?H
        (MeasureFn ?LLIMIT Decibel)
        (MeasureFn ?ULIMIT Decibel)))
Medicine.kif 1753-1773
        (instance ?SUBSTANCE ?TYPE)
        (boilingPoint ?TYPE
            (MeasureFn ?TEMP1 ?MEASURE))
        (meltingPoint ?TYPE
            (MeasureFn ?TEMP2 ?MEASURE))
        (instance ?MEASURE UnitOfTemperature)
        (holdsDuring ?TIME
            (measure ?SUBSTANCE
                (MeasureFn ?TEMP3 ?MEASURE)))
        (greaterThan ?TEMP3 ?TEMP2)
        (lessThan ?TEMP3 ?TEMP1))
        (holdsDuring ?TIME
            (attribute ?SUBSTANCE Liquid))
        (exists (?MELT)
                    (WhenFn ?MELT) ?TIME)
                (instance ?MELT Melting)
                (patient ?MELT ?SUBSTANCE)))))
Merge.kif 13885-13900
        (instance ?SZ SurfZone)
        (significantWaveHeight ?SZ
            (WhenFn ?SZ)
            (MeasureFn ?X FootLength))
        (greaterThan ?X 8.0))
    (attribute ?SZ RedFlagSwimmingCondition))
Weather.kif 1394-1401
        (instance ?T TimePeriod)
        (duration ?T
            (MeasureFn ?N MinuteDuration))
        (greaterThan ?N 5.0)
        (instance ?H Human)
            (exists (?B)
                    (instance ?B Breathing)
                        (WhenFn ?B) ?T)
                    (patient ?B ?H)))))
        (exists (?D)
                (instance ?D Death)
                (experiencer ?D ?H)
                (meetsTemporally ?T
                    (WhenFn ?D)))) Likely))
Medicine.kif 5997-6017
        (instance ?X ?Y)
        (subclass ?Y PureSubstance)
        (barometricPressure ?X
            (MeasureFn ?PRES InchMercury))
        (greaterThan 29.92 ?PRES)
        (boilingPoint ?Y
            (MeasureFn ?BOIL KelvinDegree))
        (measure ?X
            (MeasureFn ?TEMP KelvinDegree))
        (greaterThan ?TEMP ?BOIL))
    (attribute ?X Gas))
Merge.kif 13820-13829

Display limited to 25 items. Show next 25

Display limited to 25 items. Show next 25


    (attribute ?WATER OpenSea)
    (exists (?LAND ?DIST)
            (instance ?WATER SaltWaterArea)
                (instance ?WATER LandlockedWater))
            (distance ?LAND ?WATER
                (MeasureFn ?DIST NauticalMile))
            (greaterThan ?DIST 5.0))))
Geography.kif 4711-4720 OpenSea オブジェクトattribute では %n 物理 実数 オブジェクト塩水地域instance では %n オブジェクトLandlockedWaterinstance では 物理 オブジェクトdistance 実数NauticalMile(s) では %n 実数 は 5.0 より greater では %n
    (average ?LIST1 ?AVERAGE)
    (exists (?LIST2 ?LASTPLACE)
                (ListLengthFn ?LIST2)
                (ListLengthFn ?LIST1))
                (ListOrderFn ?LIST2 1)
                (ListOrderFn ?LIST1 1))
            (forall (?ITEMFROM2)
                    (inList ?ITEMFROM2 ?LIST2)
                            (greaterThan ?POSITION 1)
                            (lessThanOrEqualTo ?POSITION
                                (ListLengthFn ?LIST2))
                                (ListOrderFn ?LIST2 ?ITEMFROM2) ?POSITION)
                            (inList ?ITEMFROM1 ?LIST1)
                            (equal ?POSITION
                                (ListOrderFn ?LIST1 ?ITEMFROM1))
                            (inList ?PRIORFROM2 ?LIST2)
                            (equal ?POSITIONMINUSONE
                                (SubtractionFn ?POSITION 1))
                            (equal ?POSITIONMINUSONE
                                (ListOrderFn ?LIST2 ?PRIORFROM2))
                            (equal ?ITEMFROM2
                                (AdditionFn ?ITEMFROM1 ?PRIORFROM2))))))
            (equal ?LASTPLACE
                (ListLengthFn ?LIST2))
            (equal ?AVERAGE
                    (ListOrderFn ?LIST2 ?LASTPLACE) ?LASTPLACE)))))
People.kif 272-293 average リスト and 実数 リスト 正の整数 リストlength リストlengthequal では %n リスト の 1th element リスト の 1th elementequal では %n 正の整数 正の整数 リストlengthequal では %n 実数 リスト 正の整数th element + 正の整数equal では %n
    (greaterThanOrEqualTo ?NUMBER1 ?NUMBER2)
        (equal ?NUMBER1 ?NUMBER2)
        (greaterThan ?NUMBER1 ?NUMBER2)))
Merge.kif 1885-1889 実数 実数 greater では %n 実数 実数equal では %n 実数 実数 より greater では %n
    (instance ?NUMBER PositiveRealNumber)
        (greaterThan ?NUMBER 0)
        (instance ?NUMBER RealNumber)))
Merge.kif 1937-1941 実数正の実数instance では %n 実数 は 0 より greater では %n 実数実数instance では %n
    (larger ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2)
    (forall (?QUANT1 ?QUANT2 ?UNIT)
                (measure ?OBJ1
                    (MeasureFn ?QUANT1 ?UNIT))
                (measure ?OBJ2
                    (MeasureFn ?QUANT2 ?UNIT))
                (instance ?UNIT UnitOfLength))
            (greaterThan ?QUANT1 ?QUANT2))))
Merge.kif 7780-7788 オブジェクト オブジェクト よりも larger %n 実数 実数 and 測定単位
        (attribute ?AREA FlatTerrain)
        (part ?ZONE ?AREA)
        (slopeGradient ?ZONE ?SLOPE))
    (greaterThan 0.005 ?SLOPE))
Geography.kif 1754-1759
        (attribute ?AREA LowTerrain)
        (part ?ZONE ?AREA)
        (slopeGradient ?ZONE ?SLOPE))
    (greaterThan 0.03 ?SLOPE))
Geography.kif 1766-1771
        (attribute ?FOOD1 FamilyStylePortion)
        (measure ?FOOD1
            (MeasureFn ?MEAS1 ?U))
            (attribute ?FOOD2 FamilyStylePortion))
        (measure ?FOOD2
            (MeasureFn ?MEAS2 ?U))
        (instance ?FOOD1 ?CLASS)
        (instance ?FOOD2 ?CLASS)
        (instance ?U UnitOfMeasure))
    (greaterThan ?MEAS1 ?MEAS2))
Dining.kif 1165-1176
        (attribute ?H Muslim)
            (WealthFn ?H) ?W))
        (exists (?Z ?T ?U ?Y ?C)
                (instance ?Z Zakat)
                (instance ?Y Year)
                (during ?Y
                    (WhenFn ?H))
                (holdsDuring ?Y
                    (attribute ?H FullyFormed))
                (agent ?Z ?H)
                (patient ?Z ?T)
                (monetaryValue ?T
                    (MeasureFn ?C ?U))
                (instance ?U UnitOfCurrency)
                (greaterThan ?C
                    (MultiplicationFn ?W 0.025)))) Obligation))
ArabicCulture.kif 204-223
        (attribute ?H1 ADHD)
            (attribute ?H2 ADHD))
            (equal ?H1 ?H2))
        (instance ?I1 ?IC)
        (instance ?I2 ?IC)
        (subclass ?IC IntentionalPsychologicalProcess)
        (agent ?I1 ?H1)
        (agent ?I2 ?H2)
            (WhenFn ?I1) ?D1)
            (WhenFn ?I2) ?D2))
        (greaterThan ?D2 ?D1) Likely))
Medicine.kif 3984-4004
        (attribute ?ROOM Oversized)
        (immediateInstance ?ROOM ?HOTELUNIT)
        (subclass ?HOTELUNIT HotelUnit))
    (exists (?NORMAL ?AREA1 ?AREA2 ?U)
            (immediateInstance ?NORMAL ?HOTELUNIT)
            (instance ?U UnitOfArea)
            (measure ?NORMAL
                (MeasureFn ?AREA1 ?U))
            (measure ?ROOM
                (MeasureFn ?AREA2 ?U))
            (instance ?AREA1 AreaMeasure)
            (instance ?AREA2 AreaMeasure)
            (greaterThan ?AREA2 ?AREA1))))
Hotel.kif 1186-1201
        (birthdate ?A ?DAY)
        (instance ?DAY
            (DayFn ?D
                (MonthFn ?M
                    (YearFn ?Y)))))
    (exists (?CLASS ?FUTURE)
            (birthday ?A ?CLASS)
            (subclass ?CLASS Day)
            (instance ?FUTURE Integer)
            (equal ?CLASS
                (DayFn ?D
                    (MonthFn ?M
                        (YearFn ?FUTURE))))
            (greaterThan ?FUTURE ?Y))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 24235-24245
        (capitalExpendituresOfAreaInPeriod ?AREA
            (MeasureFn ?CAPAMOUNT ?UNIT) ?PERIOD)
        (annualExpendituresOfAreaInPeriod ?AREA
            (MeasureFn ?TOTALAMOUNT ?UNIT) ?PERIOD))
    (greaterThan ?TOTALAMOUNT ?CAPAMOUNT))
Economy.kif 1538-1544
        (climateTypeInArea ?AREA ColdClimateZone)
        (forall (?MO)
                (instance ?MO Month)
                (averageTemperatureForPeriod ?AREA ?MO
                    (MeasureFn ?TEMP CelsiusDegree)))))
    (greaterThan 10.0 ?TEMP))
Geography.kif 1522-1530
        (climateTypeInArea ?AREA PolarTypeFClimateZone)
        (instance ?TIME TimePosition)
        (holdsDuring ?TIME
            (airTemperature ?AREA
                (MeasureFn ?TEMP CelsiusDegree))))
    (holdsDuring ?TIME
        (greaterThan 10.0 ?TEMP)))
Geography.kif 1597-1603
        (dampingRatio ?P ?R)
        (greaterThan ?R 0)
        (instance ?T Tremor)
        (patient ?T ?P)
        (instance ?U UnitOfLength)
        (holdsDuring ?T1
            (physicalAmplitude ?T
                (MeasureFn ?A1 ?U)))
        (holdsDuring ?T2
            (physicalAmplitude ?T
                (MeasureFn ?A2 ?U)))
        (during ?T1 ?T)
        (during ?T2 ?T)
        (earlier ?T1 ?T2))
    (greaterThan ?A1 ?A2))
Cars.kif 809-825
        (defaultMaxValue ?REL ?ARG ?N)
        (?REL @ARGS)
        (equal ?VAL
                (ListFn @ARGS) ?ARG)))
        (greaterThan ?N ?VAL) Likely))
Merge.kif 18468-18473
        (defaultMaximumMeasure ?OBJECT
            (MeasureFn ?Q ?UNIT))
        (instance ?UNIT CompositeUnitOfMeasure))
        (exists (?INST ?QUANTITY)
                (instance ?INST ?OBJECT)
                (measure ?INST
                    (MeasureFn ?QUANTITY ?UNIT))
                (greaterThan ?QUANTITY ?Q))) Unlikely))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 13535-13544
        (defaultMaximumMeasure ?OBJECT
            (MeasureFn ?Q ?UNIT1))
        (subclass ?UNITCLASS NonCompositeUnitOfMeasure)
        (instance ?UNIT1 ?UNITCLASS))
        (exists (?INST ?QUANTITY ?UNIT2)
                (instance ?INST ?OBJECT)
                (measure ?INST
                    (MeasureFn ?QUANTITY ?UNIT2))
                (instance ?UNIT2 ?UNITCLASS)
                    (MeasureFn ?QUANTITY ?UNIT2)
                    (MeasureFn ?Q ?UNIT1)))) Unlikely))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 13546-13557
        (defaultMaximumSphereRadius ?OBJECT
            (MeasureFn ?R ?U))
        (instance ?INST ?OBJECT)
        (attribute ?INST Sphere))
        (exists (?RADIUS)
                (sphereRadius ?INST
                    (MeasureFn ?RADIUS ?U))
                (greaterThan ?RADIUS ?R))) Unlikely))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 13485-13496
        (defaultMeasure ?OBJECT
            (MeasureFn ?Q ?UNIT))
        (instance ?UNIT CompositeUnitOfMeasure))
        (exists (?INST ?QUANTITY)
                (instance ?INST ?OBJECT)
                (measure ?INST
                    (MeasureFn ?QUANTITY ?UNIT))
                (greaterThan ?QUANTITY
                    (MultiplicationFn ?Q 1.5)))) Unlikely))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 13565-13574
        (defaultMinValue ?REL ?ARG ?N)
        (?REL @ARGS)
        (equal ?VAL
                (ListFn @ARGS) ?ARG)))
        (greaterThan ?VAL ?N) Likely))
Merge.kif 18451-18456
        (engineIdleSpeed ?E
                (MeasureFn ?N1 MilesPerHour) ?M))
        (instance ?A Automobile)
        (instance ?P GasPedal)
        (instance ?P Pushing)
        (destination ?P ?GP)
        (part ?E ?A)
        (part ?GP ?A)
        (instance ?C Crankshaft)
        (part ?C ?E)
            (WhenFn ?P)
            (measure ?C
                    (MeasureFn ?N2 MilesPerHour) ?M))))
        (greaterThan ?N2 ?N1) Likely))
Cars.kif 2591-2609
            (GreatestCommonDivisorFn @ROW) ?NUMBER)
            (equal ?NUMBER 0)))
        (exists (?GREATER)
                (greaterThan ?GREATER ?NUMBER)
                (forall (?ELEMENT)
                        (inList ?ELEMENT
                            (ListFn @ROW))
                            (RemainderFn ?ELEMENT ?GREATER) 0)))))))
Merge.kif 4874-4888
        (equal ?DEP
            (DepartmentOfFn ?COMP ?PHYS))
        (subOrganization ?DEP2 ?COMP)
            (equal ?DEP ?DEP2))
        (instance ?I ?PHYS)
        (inScopeOfInterest ?DEP ?I)
        (equal ?P1
                (agent ?P ?DEP)))
        (equal ?P2
                (agent ?P ?DEP2))))
    (greaterThan ?P1 ?P2))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 18342-18357

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