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Sigma KEE - Clarithromycin

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation Clarithromycin EnglishLanguage "Clarithromycin, sold under the brand name Biaxin among others, is an antibiotic used to treat various bacterial infections. This includes strep throat, pneumonia, skin infections, H. pylori infection, and Lyme disease, among others. Clarithromycin can be taken by mouth as a pill or liquid. Common side effects include nausea, vomiting, headaches, and diarrhea. Severe allergic reactions are rare. Liver problems have been reported. It may cause harm if taken during pregnancy. It is in the macrolide class and works by decreasing protein production of some bacteria.[from Wikipedia]") Medicine.kif 3585-3594
(sideEffect Clarithromycin Diarrhea) Medicine.kif 3603-3603 sideEffect Clarithromycin and Diarrhea
(sideEffect Clarithromycin Headache) Medicine.kif 3602-3602 sideEffect Clarithromycin and Headache
(sideEffect Clarithromycin Nausea) Medicine.kif 3600-3600 sideEffect Clarithromycin and Nausea
(sideEffect Clarithromycin Vomiting) Medicine.kif 3601-3601 sideEffect Clarithromycin and Vomiting
(subclass Clarithromycin Antibiotic) Medicine.kif 3583-3583 ClarithromycinAntibioticsubclass では %n

appearance as argument number 2

(diseaseMedicine BacterialPneumonia Clarithromycin Ingesting) Medicine.kif 3599-3599 diseaseMedicine BacterialPneumonia, Clarithromycin and 摂取
(diseaseMedicine LymeDisease Clarithromycin Ingesting) Medicine.kif 3597-3597 diseaseMedicine LymeDisease, Clarithromycin and 摂取
(diseaseMedicine RheumatoidArthritis Clarithromycin Injecting) Medicine.kif 3624-3624 diseaseMedicine RheumatoidArthritis, Clarithromycin and Injecting
(diseaseMedicine StrepThroat Clarithromycin Ingesting) Medicine.kif 3598-3598 diseaseMedicine StrepThroat, Clarithromycin and 摂取
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Clarithromycin "clarithromycin") Medicine.kif 3594-3595

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