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Sigma KEE - MacedonianLanguage

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(documentation MacedonianLanguage EnglishLanguage "The MacedonianLanguage is a SoutheasternSlavicLanguage of Macedonian. SIL code: MKJ. ISO 639-1: mk. ISO 639-2(B): mac. ISO 639-2(T): mkd. Population: 1,386,000 in Macedonia (1986). Population total all countries: 2,000,000 (1999 WA). Region: The northern dialect is in Kumanovo-Kratovo region, the southeastern dialect around Gevgelija, Strumica, and Lake Dojran, the western dialect has one subdialect in the Veles, Prilep, Kichevo, and Bitola region, and another in the Debar-Galchnik region. Also spoken in Albania, Bulgaria, Canada, Greece, Hungary, Slovenia. Alternate names: MAKEDONSKI, SLAVIC, MACEDONIAN SLAVIC. Dialects: NORTHERN MACEDONIAN, SOUTHEASTERN MACEDONIAN, WESTERN MACEDONIAN. Comments: The standard dialect was recognized in 1944. Sociopolitical attitudes are strong: called 'Slavic' in Greece, considered to be a dialect of Bulgarian by some in Bulgaria. National language. Grammar. Newspapers, radio programs. Bible 1990. Also spoken in: Albania. (Language name: MACEDONIAN.) Population: 30,000 in Albania (1993 Johnstone). Alternate names: SLAVIC, MACEDONIAN SLAVIC. Comments: Called 'Slavic' in Greece. Bible 1990. Also spoken in: Bulgaria. (Language name: MACEDONIAN.) Comments: Bible 1990. Also spoken in: Greece. (Language name: SLAVIC.) Population: 41,017 mother tongue speakers in Greece, 0.537% of the population (1951 census). Alternate names: MACEDONIAN SLAVIC, MACEDONIAN. Comments: Speakers are bilingual in Greek, which is used for education and religion. Called 'Slavic' in Greece, where 'Macedonian' refers only to people living in Macedonia, a region in Greece. Bible 1990.(extract from http:/ / )") Languages.kif 10837-10858
(instance MacedonianLanguage SoutheasternSlavicLanguage) Languages.kif 10836-10836 MacedonianLanguage è un' istanza di SoutheasternSlavicLanguage

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat ChineseLanguage MacedonianLanguage "马其顿语") domainEnglishFormat.kif 35501-35501
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage MacedonianLanguage "馬其頓語") domainEnglishFormat.kif 35500-35500
(termFormat EnglishLanguage MacedonianLanguage "macedonian language") domainEnglishFormat.kif 35499-35499

appearance as argument number 3

(codeMapping ISO-639-1 "mk" MacedonianLanguage) Languages.kif 14783-14783 codeMapping ISO-639-1, "mk" and MacedonianLanguage

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