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Sigma KEE - ForeignServicePosition

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation ForeignServicePosition EnglishLanguage "ForeignServicePosition is the subclass of Positions that belong to foreign service personnel working for a national government or international organization.") Government.kif 4396-4398
(subclass ForeignServicePosition Position) Government.kif 4394-4394 ForeignServicePosition è una sottoclasse di Posizione

appearance as argument number 2

(instance Ambassador ForeignServicePosition) Government.kif 4412-4412 Ambassador è un' istanza di ForeignServicePosition
(instance ChargeDAffaires ForeignServicePosition) Government.kif 4432-4432 ChargeDAffaires è un' istanza di ForeignServicePosition
(instance Consul ForeignServicePosition) Government.kif 4426-4426 Consul è un' istanza di ForeignServicePosition
(instance ConsulGeneral ForeignServicePosition) Government.kif 4419-4419 ConsulGeneral è un' istanza di ForeignServicePosition
(instance DiplomaticAgent ForeignServicePosition) Government.kif 4400-4400 DiplomaticAgent è un' istanza di ForeignServicePosition
(instance PrincipalOfficer ForeignServicePosition) Government.kif 4441-4441 PrincipalOfficer è un' istanza di ForeignServicePosition
(termFormat ChineseLanguage ForeignServicePosition "外国服务职位") domainEnglishFormat.kif 24662-24662
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage ForeignServicePosition "外國服務職位") domainEnglishFormat.kif 24661-24661
(termFormat EnglishLanguage ForeignServicePosition "foreign service position") domainEnglishFormat.kif 24660-24660


    (instance ?ROLE ForeignServicePosition)
    (subAttribute ?ROLE DiplomaticAgent))
Government.kif 4408-4410


    (diplomaticRelations ?COUNTRY1 ?COUNTRY2)
    (exists (?ROLE)
            (instance ?ROLE ForeignServicePosition)
            (subAttribute ?ROLE DiplomaticAgent)
            (diplomaticRepresentationType ?COUNTRY1 ?ROLE ?COUNTRY2))))
Government.kif 4557-4563
    (diplomaticRelations ?COUNTRY1 ?COUNTRY2)
    (exists (?ROLE)
            (instance ?ROLE ForeignServicePosition)
            (subAttribute ?ROLE DiplomaticAgent)
            (diplomaticRepresentationType ?COUNTRY2 ?ROLE ?COUNTRY1))))
Government.kif 4565-4571

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