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Sigma KEE - Substance

An Object in which every part is similar to every other in every relevant respect. More precisely, something is a Substance when it has only arbitrary pieces as parts - any parts have properties which are similar to those of the whole. Note that a Substance may nonetheless have physical properties that vary. For example, the temperature, chemical constitution, density, etc. may change from one part to another. An example would be a body of water.
Parents OggettoIntegro A SelfConnectedObject is any Object that does not consist of two or more disconnected parts.
Children SostanzaBiologicamenteAttivaA Substance that is capable of inducing a change in the structure or functioning of an Organism. This Class includes Substances used in the treatment, diagnosis, prevention or analysis of normal and abnormal body function. This Class also includes Substances that occur naturally in the body and are administered therapeutically. Finally, BiologicallyActiveSubstance includes Nutrients, most drugs of abuse, and agents that require special handling because of their toxicity.
 SostanzaCorporeaExtracellular material and mixtures of cells and extracellular material that are produced, excreted or accreted by an Organism. Included here are Substances such as saliva, dental enamel, sweat, hormones, and gastric acid.
 ChemicalAcidA bitter CompoundSubstance that is capable of reacting with a ChemicalBase and forming a ChemicalSalt.
 ConductorSubstanceA Substance that readily conducts electricity.
 CreatinineCreatinine is a breakdown product of creatine phosphate from muscle and protein metabolism. It is released at a constant rate by the body (depending on muscle mass).[from Wikipedia]
 CrystalA Crystal Solid is a Substance with a CrystallineStructure.
 DrugCandidateAny Substance that a Organization, such as a University lab or Corporation is developing and testing, hopes that it will be an effective and approved Medicine.
 EffluentEffluent is a Substance that generically covers any waste matter that is released into the environment, including sewage and industrial pollutants.
 ElectricityWhile electricity is typically thought of as just a difference in electrical potential, one way of modeling electricity is as a substance that can be moved from one point to another or consumed. One could make the claim that subatomic physics also supports the classification as a substance since electrons are objects.
 ExplosiveSubstanceAny Substance which is capable of exploding.
 FuelFuel is the class of Substances that can be used as resources in Combustion processes in order to produce heat. Mechanical energy can be produced by burning fuel in an Engine.
 InsulatorSubstancea Substance such as glass or porcelain with negligible electrical conductivity.
 LiquidDropA LiquidDrop is a small column of liquid, bounded almost completely by free surfaces.
 LubricantAny Substance that reduces Friction between two objects that are in contact and move with respect to one another. Note that this does not include CorpuscularObjects like BallBearings.
 MineraleAny of various naturally occurring homogeneous substances (such as stone, coal, salt, sulfur, sand, petroleum), or synthetic substances having the chemical composition and crystalline form and properties of a naturally occurring mineral.
 MisturaA Mixture is two or more PureSubstances, combined in varying proportions - each retaining its own specific properties. The components of a Mixture can be separated by physical means, i.e. without the making and breaking of chemical bonds. Examples: Air, table salt thoroughly dissolved in water, milk, wood, and concrete.
 NaturalSubstanceAny Substance that is not the result of an IntentionalProcess, i.e. any substance that occurs naturally.
 NoxiousSubstanceNoxiousSubstance is the class of Substances that are harmful to Humans.
 PowderAny Solid Substance which consists of loose, identical, and very small particles.
 SostanzaPuraThe Class of Substances with constant composition. A PureSubstance can be either an element (ElementalSubstance) or a compound of elements (CompoundSubstance). Examples: Table salt (sodium chloride, NaCl), sugar (sucrose, C_{12}H_{22}O_{11}), water (H_2O), iron (Fe), copper (Cu), and oxygen (O_2).
 RockRock is any naturally formed aggregate of one or more minerals, consolidated or not, with some degree of mineralogic and chemical constancy, in popular use the term is usually restricted to those aggregates that are hard, compact, and coherent.
 SugarA simple Carbohydrate that has a sweet taste and consists mostly or entirely of sucrose.
 SurfactantSurfactants, also known as Wetting agents, lower the surface tension of a Liquid, allowing easier spreading. The term surfactant is a compression of 'Surface active agent'. Surfactants are usually organic compounds that contain both hydrophobic and hydrophilic groups, and are thus semi-soluble in both organic and aqueous solvents.
 SyntheticSubstanceAny Substance that is the result of an IntentionalProcess, i.e. any substance that is created by Humans.
 WickerA Wicker is a kind of Pliable materials used for Wickering. Traditionally, wicker is made of Plant based substance such as willow, rattan, reed or bamboo, but SyntheticWicker such as resin or plastic is also available nowadays.

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