appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation ArtsAndRecreationTicketingServices EnglishLanguage "ArtsAndRecreationTicketingServices refer to agencies that sell Ticket to Sport events or Performance") | Hotel.kif 2349-2350 | |
(subAttribute ArtsAndRecreationTicketingServices PerformingArtsSpectatorSportsAndRelatedIndustries) | Hotel.kif 2348-2348 | ArtsAndRecreationTicketingServices è un sottoattributo di PerformingArtsSpectatorSportsAndRelatedIndustries |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage ArtsAndRecreationTicketingServices "arts and recreation tickets") | Hotel.kif 2351-2351 |
antecedent |
(=> (attribute ?X ArtsAndRecreationTicketingServices) (hasPurpose ?X (exists (?SELL ?TICKET ?CUST) (and (instance ?SELL Selling) (patient ?SELL ?TICKET) (agent ?SELL ?X) (instance ?TICKET Ticket) (destination ?SELL ?CUST) (hasPurpose ?TICKET (confersRight (exists (?WATCH ?PERF) (and (instance ?WATCH Seeing) (agent ?WATCH ?CUST) (patient ?WATCH ?PERF) (or (instance ?PERF Performance) (instance ?PERF Sport)))) ?X ?CUST)))))) |
Hotel.kif 2353-2372 |