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Sigma KEE - TamazightLanguage

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(documentation TamazightLanguage EnglishLanguage "The TamazightLanguage is an AtlasLanguage of Morocco. SIL code: TZM. ISO 639-2: ber. Population: 3,000,000 in Morocco (1998). Population total all countries: 3,500,000. Region: Middle Atlas, High Atlas, eastern High Atlas Mountains. 1,200,000 in rural areas between Taza, Khemisset, Azilal, Errachidia, 100,000 outside the language area. Also spoken in Algeria, France. Alternate names: CENTRAL SHILHA, MIDDLE ATLAS BERBER, SHILHA. Dialects: CENTRAL ATLAS, SOUTH ORAN. Comments: 40% monolingual. Others use Arabic as second language. 65% live in rural areas, 10% live outside the traditional area. VSO (for Berber). Literacy rate in second language: Men 25%, women 5%. Bible portions 1919-1981. Also spoken in: Algeria. (Language name: TAMAZIGHT, CENTRAL ATLAS.) Alternate names: MIDDLE ATLAS BERBER, CENTRAL SHILHA. Dialects: SOUTH ORAN. Comments: One of the major Berber languages. 'Tamazight' is the name of the language, 'Berber' of the people. VSO. Muslim. Bible portions 1919-1981.(extract from http:/ / )") Languages.kif 4724-4737
(externalImage TamazightLanguage " commons/ 3/ 39/ Berber-map.png") pictureList.kif 8750-8750
(instance TamazightLanguage AtlasLanguage) Languages.kif 4723-4723 TamazightLanguage è un' istanza di AtlasLanguage

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat ChineseLanguage TamazightLanguage "tamazight语言") domainEnglishFormat.kif 56883-56883
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage TamazightLanguage "tamazight語言") domainEnglishFormat.kif 56882-56882
(termFormat EnglishLanguage TamazightLanguage "tamazight language") domainEnglishFormat.kif 56881-56881

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