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Sigma KEE - SouthernBalochiLanguage

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(documentation SouthernBalochiLanguage EnglishLanguage "The SouthernBalochiLanguage is a BalochiLanguage of Pakistan. SIL code: BCC. ISO 639-2: bal. Population: 2,765,000 in Pakistan (1998). Population total all countries: 3,400,000. Region: Southern Balochistan, southern Sind, Karachi. Also spoken in Iran, Oman, UAE. Alternate names: BALUCHI, BALUCI, BALOCI, MAKRANI. Dialects: COASTAL BALOCHI, KECHI, MAKRANI (LOTUNI). Comments: Distinct from Eastern Balochi and fairly distinct from Western Balochi. Literacy rate in first language: Below 1%. Literacy rate in second language: 5% to 15%. Urdu script used. Sunni Muslim, and about 700,000 Zigri (Zikri) sect (semi-Muslim). Bible portions 1992-1994. Also spoken in: Iran. (Language name: BALOCHI, SOUTHERN.) Population: 405,000 in Iran. Alternate names: BALUCHI, BALUCI, BALOCI. Dialects: MAKRANI (LOTUNI). Comments: Sunni Muslim. Bible portions 1992-1994. Also spoken in: Oman. (Language name: BALOCHI, SOUTHERN.) Population: 130,300 out of 312,000 ethnic population in Oman (1993). Alternate names: BALUCHI, BALUCI, BALOCI. Dialects: MAKRANI (LOTUNI, ZADGAALI), BARAHUWI, BASHGAADI, HUUTI. Comments: Ethnic Baloch who immigrated long ago are Omani citizens, but no longer speak Balochi. Speakers come from Pakistan. The majority are not Omani citizens. Sunni Muslim. Bible portions 1992-1994. Also spoken in: United Arab Emirates. (Language name: BALOCHI, SOUTHERN.) Population: 100,000 in UAE. Alternate names: BALUCHI, BALUCI, BALOCI. Dialects: MAKRANI (LOTUNI). Comments: Speakers come from Oman, Iran, and Pakistan. Unskilled laborers, police, military. Sunni Muslim. Bible portions 1992-1994.(extract from http:/ / )") Languages.kif 9022-9043
(externalImage SouthernBalochiLanguage " commons/ 4/ 42/ Pakistan_ethnic_1973.jpg") pictureList.kif 11881-11881
(externalImage SouthernBalochiLanguage " commons/ d/ dd/ Moderniranianlanguagesmap24.PNG") pictureList.kif 10268-10268
(instance SouthernBalochiLanguage BalochiLanguage) Languages.kif 9021-9021 SouthernBalochiLanguage è un' istanza di BalochiLanguage

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat ChineseLanguage SouthernBalochiLanguage "南方的balochi语言") domainEnglishFormat.kif 54188-54188
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage SouthernBalochiLanguage "南方的balochi語言") domainEnglishFormat.kif 54187-54187
(termFormat EnglishLanguage SouthernBalochiLanguage "southern balochi language") domainEnglishFormat.kif 54186-54186

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