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Sigma KEE - SerboCroatianLanguage

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(documentation SerboCroatianLanguage EnglishLanguage "The SerboCroatianLanguage is a SouthwesternSlavicLanguage of Yugoslavia. SIL code: SRC. ISO 639-1: bs. ISO 639-2: bos. ISO 639-1: hr. ISO 639-2(B): scr. ISO 639-2(T): hrv. ISO 639-1: sr. ISO 639-2(B): scc. ISO 639-2(T): srp. Population: 10,200,000 in Yugoslavia and Macedonia (1981 WA). Population total all countries: 21,000,000 (1999 WA). Region: Serbia, Kossovo, and Montenegro. Also spoken in 23 other countries including Albania, Australia, Austria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Macedonia, Romania, Russia (Europe), Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey (Europe). Alternate names: SERBIAN, MONTENEGRIN. Dialects: CHAKAVIAN, KAJKAVIAN, STOKAVIAN, TORLAKIAN. Comments: Speakers are Serbs, Croatians, Bosnians, Montenegrins. National language. Grammar. SVO, postpositions, genitives, articles, adjectives, numerals, relatives after noun heads, question word initial, 1 suffix, case determines subject, object, obligatory verb affixes mark person, number, gender of subject, object, other noun phrase, passive for each tense, today not commonly used, causatives marked by separate words, comparatives marked by prefix, CCVCVC, nontonal. Roman script used by Croats, both Cyrillic and Roman by Serbs and Montenegrins. Orthodox (most Serbs). Bible 1804-1968. Also spoken in: Albania. (Language name: SERBO-CROATIAN.) Alternate names: MONTENEGRIN. Comments: Montenegrins. Mainly Muslim. Bible 1804-1968. Also spoken in: Austria. (Language name: SERBO-CROATIAN.) Population: 103,000 or more in Austria (1991). Dialects: BURGENLAND CROATIAN. Comments: The form of Croat spoken in Burgenland differs extensively from that spoken in the Republic of Croatia and intelligibility is difficult. Some dialects are heavily influenced by German. Bilingualism in Standard German. About 40 primary schools teach bilingually through Croat and German. Croat is used extensively by the RC church. Rapid assimilation with the German-speaking population. Investigation needed: bilingual proficiency in Standard German. Literacy rate in first language: Few. Christian. Bible 1804-1968. Also spoken in: Bosnia-Herzegovina. (Language name: BOSNIAN.) Population: 4,000,000 in Bosnia-Herzegovina (1995). Dialects: BOSNIAN, CROATIAN, SERBIAN. Comments: There are influences from Turkish and Arabic. Macedonian and Montenegrin are ethnic minorities speaking varieties of this language. Official language. Dictionary. SVO. Literacy rate in second language: 97%. Roman script used. Muslim, Christian, Jewish. Bible 1804-1999. Also spoken in: Croatia. (Language name: CROATIAN.) Population: 4,800,000 in Croatia (1995). Alternate names: HRVATSKI. Dialects: KAYKAVSKI, CHAKAVSKI, SHTOKAVSKI. Comments: Shtokavski is the official dialect, but the others are recognized as valid dialects, with a large body of literature. Other dialects in other countries, like Burgenland Croatian in Austria, are less intelligible. Bilingualism in English, German. Official language. SVO. Literacy rate in second language: 90%. Roman script. Christian, Muslim. Bible 1831-1968. Also spoken in: Hungary. (Language name: SERBO-CROATIAN.) Population: 32,130 in Hungary, .3% of the population (1986). Dialects: CROATIAN, SERBIAN. Comments: Roman script used by Croats. Croats tend to be RC Christian. Bible 1804-1968. Also spoken in: Italy. (Language name: SERBO-CROATIAN.) Population: 3,500 in Italy (N. Vincent in B. Comrie 1987). Dialects: CROATIAN. Comments: They are reviving the use of Serbo-Croatian literature. Descendents of 15th and 16th century refugees. Official language. Christian, Muslim. Bible 1804-1968. Also spoken in: Macedonia. (Language name: SERBO-CROATIAN.) Dialects: SERBIAN. Comments: SVO. Roman script used. Christian. Bible 1831-1968. Also spoken in: Romania. (Language name: SERBO-CROATIAN.) Population: 80,000 in Romania (1993 Johnstone). Alternate names: SERBIAN. Comments: Several dialects. Christian, Muslim. Bible 1804-1968. Also spoken in: Russia (Europe). (Language name: SERBO-CROATIAN.) Population: 5,000 in Russia (1959 census). Alternate names: SERBIAN. Comments: Cyrillic script. Christian, Muslim. Bible 1804-1968. Also spoken in: Slovakia. (Language name: SERBO-CROATIAN.) Dialects: CROATIAN. Comments: Latin script used by Croats, Cyrillic by Serbs and Montenegrins. Christian, Muslim. Bible 1804-1968. Also spoken in: Turkey (Europe). (Language name: SERBO-CROATIAN.) Population: 20,000 first language speakers (1980), out of 61,000 in Turkey (1980 estimate), 2,345 monolinguals (1965 census). Alternate names: BOSNIAN. Comments: 95% bilingual in Turkish. Muslim. Bible 1804-1968.(extract from http:/ / )") Languages.kif 10921-10983
(instance SerboCroatianLanguage SouthwesternSlavicLanguage) Languages.kif 10920-10920 SerboCroatianLanguage è un' istanza di SouthwesternSlavicLanguage

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat ChineseLanguage SerboCroatianLanguage "塞尔维亚克罗地亚语") domainEnglishFormat.kif 52175-52175
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage SerboCroatianLanguage "塞爾維亞克羅地亞語") domainEnglishFormat.kif 52174-52174
(termFormat EnglishLanguage SerboCroatianLanguage "serbo croatian language") domainEnglishFormat.kif 52173-52173

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