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Sigma KEE - NorthernPashtoLanguage

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(documentation NorthernPashtoLanguage EnglishLanguage "The NorthernPashtoLanguage is a PashtoLanguage of Pakistan. SIL code: PBU. ISO 639-1: ps. ISO 639-2: pus. Population: 9,585,000 in Pakistan or 8.47% of population, including Southern Pashto (1993 estimate). Population total all countries: 9,685,000. Region: Along Afghanistan border, most of NWFP, Yusufzai and Peshawar. Also spoken in Afghanistan, India, UAE, United Kingdom. Alternate names: PAKHTO, PUSHTO. Dialects: NINGRAHARIAN PASHTO, NORTHEASTERN PASHTO. Comments: A good deal of similarity with Northwestern Pashto in Afghanistan. Subdialects of Northeastern Pashto are Kohat (Khatak), Yusufzai (Peshawar), Afridi, Shinwari, Mohmand, Shilmani. There is generally an 80% lexical similarity between Northeastern and Southwestern Pashto. Rich literary tradition. The Powinda are a nomadic Pashto-speaking group. Dictionary. Literacy rate in second language: Low. Modified Perso-Arabic script used. Used in schools and media in NWFP and adjacent tribal territories. Newspapers, radio programs, films, TV. Sunni Muslim, some Shi'a. Bible 1895. Also spoken in: Afghanistan. (Language name: PASHTO, NORTHERN.) Alternate names: PAKTU, PAKHTU, PAKHTOO, AFGHAN. Dialects: NORTHWESTERN PAKHTO, GHILZAI, DURANI. Comments: Bilingualism in Farsi. Since the early 1930s the Afghan government has been exerting considerable effort to standardize and publicize the language. One of the two official languages taught in schools. The Ghilzai speakers are nomadic and 24% of the national population. The Durani, 16%, live in permanent settlements. The people are called 'Pakhtoon' in the north, 'Pashtoon' in the south. Pashto clans are: Mohmandi, Ghilzai, Durani, Yusufzai, Afridi, Kandahari (Qandahari), Waziri, Chinwari (Shinwari), Mangal, Wenetsi. National language. Literacy rate in first language: 5% to 10% (?) Literacy rate in second language: 15% to 25%. Radio programs. Mainly Hanafi Sunni Muslim. Bible 1895. Also spoken in: United Arab Emirates. (Language name: PASHTO, NORTHERN. Population: 100,000 in UAE (1986). Alternate names: PUSTO, PASHTU, PASSTOO, PAKHTOO, PUSHTO. Comments: People called Pathans. Speakers have come from Pakistan. Modified Urdu script used. Unskilled laborers, drivers. Muslim. Bible 1895.(extract from http:/ / )") Languages.kif 8906-8935
(externalImage NorthernPashtoLanguage " commons/ 6/ 65/ Moderniranianlanguagesmap.jpg") pictureList.kif 8620-8620
(instance NorthernPashtoLanguage PashtoLanguage) Languages.kif 8905-8905 NorthernPashtoLanguage è un' istanza di PashtoLanguage

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat ChineseLanguage NorthernPashtoLanguage "北普什图语") domainEnglishFormat.kif 41141-41141
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage NorthernPashtoLanguage "北普什圖語") domainEnglishFormat.kif 41140-41140
(termFormat EnglishLanguage NorthernPashtoLanguage "northern pashto language") domainEnglishFormat.kif 41139-41139

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