appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation Bakery EnglishLanguage "a type of Business that specializes in the production and selling of the result of the process Baking") | Dining.kif 66-67 | |
(subclass Bakery Business) | Dining.kif 65-65 | Bakery è una sottoclasse di Business |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Bakery "bakery") | Dining.kif 68-68 |
antecedent |
(=> (instance ?BAKERY Bakery) (exists (?SERVICE ?FOOD ?BAKE) (and (instance ?BAKE Baking) (result ?BAKE ?FOOD) (instance ?FOOD (FoodForFn Human)) (agent ?BAKE ?BAKERY) (instance ?SERVICE CommercialService) (agent ?SERVICE ?BAKERY) (instance ?SERVICE Selling) (patient ?SERVICE ?FOOD)))) |
Dining.kif 70-81 |