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Sigma KEE - Antarctic-MarineLivingResourcesConvention

appearance as argument number 1

(instance Antarctic-MarineLivingResourcesConvention Agreement) Geography.kif 3177-3177 Antarctic-MarineLivingResourcesConvention è un' istanza di Agreement

appearance as argument number 2

(conventionalLongName "Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources" Antarctic-MarineLivingResourcesConvention) Geography.kif 3179-3180 conventionalLongName "Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources" and Antarctic-MarineLivingResourcesConvention
(conventionalShortName "Antarctic-Marine Living Resources" Antarctic-MarineLivingResourcesConvention) Geography.kif 3182-3182 conventionalShortName "Antarctic-Marine Living Resources" and Antarctic-MarineLivingResourcesConvention
(termFormat ChineseLanguage Antarctic-MarineLivingResourcesConvention "南极洲 - 海洋生物资源公约") domainEnglishFormat.kif 7746-7746
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage Antarctic-MarineLivingResourcesConvention "南極洲 - 海洋生物資源公約") domainEnglishFormat.kif 7745-7745
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Antarctic-MarineLivingResourcesConvention "antarctic- marine living resources convention") domainEnglishFormat.kif 7744-7744

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